Do as you please.

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Just because you are amazing a second update

Goal is down below 

Axel's Pov: 

Waiting downstairs ,for an half an hour, made me go nearly insane. the urge to keep Sophia home became constant. All work related stuff seemed to suddenly evaporate from my mind. I no more care about the company or its money. All my focus was on my stubborn wife. Even Liza's messages seem to lose importance.

Sophia is lawfully regarded as my responsibility. Since the incident with Ezra, I seem to tense whenever she is away. I won't lie and say that I became her solo protector. After all, I have a job to keep and a company to run. But I ,at least, hired a bodyguard for her. That woman should be thankful. She should treat me like a hero. She should listen to my words. Yet here, she is acting all stubborn and rebellious.

While having dinner with mum and Sophia, Liza texted me claiming that she misses me. She started texting me back two days ago. At first, I didn't respond to her. I ignored her and focused on my job and the company's issues. Yet after endless consciously missed calls , I feared that something happened to her and who can blame me. She is after all my first love. 

Uncaring about Mother's current conversation with Sophia, I zoned out and focused on my phone. I was debating on how to respond to Liza properly. I am not going to get back to her well at least not easily...She cheated and she deserves the cold treatment for weeks if not months. Let her prove her love.

"I will be back by midnight." Sophia promised my mum and every fiber in me, instantly, became alert.

Isn't it already nine at night? Where the hell does she think that she is going? With whom is she going out? Should I wait for her till midnight so we can share my bed? Eve, though I don't miss her that much when I am awake I did grew used to holding her and for ,the few last days, bringing her sleeping figure to my chest seemed to make all my problems fade. 

Sophia stubbornly spoke about the party and my body went rigid. She and two other women will be in the company of ten men. They will go to a club where any guy even Ezra or Adam can be there and that made my anger rise and bubble. What if she drinks beyond consciousness and gets kidnapped or raped or god knows what?

Leaving me alone ,downstairs, was not a smart move. I was really thinking of just closing the mansion's door shut and hiding the keys or sabotaging Sophia's car or calling the legal and the the accounting brunch and just firing all of them. They won't be in the right spirit to party after so right?

Caught in my own evil plans , I didn't seem to hear my phone buzzing. Liza  already called once and is again ringing me. There, her  name is shining on the screen again.

"What?" I answered annoyed 

"Axel, forgive me baby.I miss you." she coed at me

"So what?" I fired back at her

"Can we meet." She pleaded 

"I have to call you later on." I said angrily as images of gem kept on playing in my mind.

Throwing the phone, I walked upstairs. My footsteps sounded like drums. I could easily be seen as an angry cartoon character. I look as childish as my mother said but I didn't care. I stopped ,right in front of my door, taking deep breaths trying to ease my nerves but nothing seemed to work. Yet the question hit me then why am I this angry in the first place?

Opening the door, I was met by the figure of my wife. She was dressed in a tight form fitting black dress. All her curves were accentuated. All her bodily features were highlighted. Every curve, every detail all...I froze as my eyes trailed the low neckline. Her smooth white skin made my hands itch and my body screamed wanting to touch her. I don't know why I sound like a horny teenager but all knew that Sophia looked hot. 

Her figure stood there rigidly , while my eyes hungrily studied every inch of it. It was like seeing her for the very first time. Sophia usually dressed well yet never this hotly, never this dangerously. Her dress and body called for attention and my attention was served on a golden plate...

Try to avoid  any physical complications, my eyes traveled back to her emerald orbs. Her face was still the same not a trace of makeup on it. Her skin looked smooth and clean. She kept herself looking as natural and fresh as possible. Only her lips were coated in a faint pink lipgloss. 

"Sophia, you are not going out." I ordered again after clearing my throat 

"You are not the boss of me Axel." She dared to yell back yet a faint blush seemed to rise and color her neck and cheeks 

" I am actually." I informed taking one step towards her

"Can't you just keep on ignoring me like what you did for the past two years and like last week too? Life was easier that way" She nagged and took a step back 

"So one day you blame me for ignoring you and the next you are begging me too?" I questioned ignoring the hurt in her tone...I mean , last week, I didn't do it purposely I was just busy.

"I won't ask you to care anymore." she fired at me 

"It is not a game, sweetheart." I dangerously uttered seeing her shiver at the nickname

"I am going to be late and oh please do not care or even think about me. I will come, when I please." She stubbornly informed but never took one single step. I ,on the other hand, stepped closer to her seeing her backing away and hitting the wall.

"You are not going out." I repeated again

"Keep on saying that Axel. Just ask yourself who are you to decide what I do? I am a mere stranger or an acquaintance to you so you have no rule over me. I shouldn't think about you or what you do and  you shouldn't think about me." Sophia shouted in frustration 

"Well, I will give something to think about." I dared taking one more step to her.

Now we were , once again, face to face and chest to chest. I heard her gasp as I leaned into her to meet her level. Her hands darted to push me away. But as soon as my lips met hers, she sighed and her hands gave up on any fight. They like the last time found their way around my neck while mine sneaked their way around her waist bringing her as closer as possible. My left hand then started to study her curves. Yet instead of completing our make out session, Sophia just froze and pushed me away.

"Don't do that ever again." she blamed wiping her lips.

"You enjoyed it as much as I did. Don't deny it gem." I teased her seeing her blush growing deeper

"I didn't. Now, if you will excuse me I have a party to attend." Sophia replied pushing me with all her force and stepping away from me.

"Gem, if you go you won't like the outcome." I threatened 

"Do as you please." she repeated my own old words and walked out of the room making me see red but she will certainly regret it. I have a plan in mind.


thanks again ^_^

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