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Jimin's POV

"What's going on? My head hurts."
"How did I get here?"
"Why are we tied up?"
Question after question poured out of Jimin and Sehun's mouths as the girl that they both had dated stood over them with a sly smile.
Jimin stared at her, still recovering from whatever had knocked him out.
There was a small, nervous looking man behind her, dressed in a suit and shaking.
Y/N just glared at her, silent.
Hani stalked around the three of them in a circle, stopping in front of Y/N and squatting down to eye-level.
Grabbing her chin roughly, Hani sneered at her .
"You're making this a lot more risky than it had to be, you slut," she hissed. "I almost got out with him clean and quick, but of course you just had to walk in to rescue your precious little hybrid, right?"
He was shocked. Hani's voice was so viscous and angry; he'd never heard that before. He felt his heart pounding in his chest with fear, not only for himself but also for Y/N.
He wasn't quite sure how Sehun had gotten himself mixed in with all of this, but he didn't really care what happened to him. If he died, at least he would stop hanging around Y/N.
Y/N jerked away from Hani and gave her an equally searing snarl.
"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" she growled.
Sighing, the girl stood up gracefully and smoothed her perfect hair. She pointed at Y/N and Sehun and waved her hand dismissively.
"I don't need you two here, you're just casualties. He's the one I was after." She stroked Jimin's hair again, and he shook beneath her hand. Why was this happening? Her fingers playfully poked at his ears.
"Me?" he choked. "Why?"
Hani crossed her arms and smiled.
"These," she said, flicking Jimin's ears. "We need the rest of his Momma's research to finish our experiment, and Jimin has it."
Y/N gave Jimin an incredulous stare over her shoulder, to which he shook his head. Everyone kept calling him and asking all of these questions, about his mother, about her job, about things that he knew nothing about. At the same time they blasted him with new information, making all of the experiences interacting with his mom's supposed co-workers a muddled mess in his mind.
"I don't have any research," he barked. "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Hani squatted down in front of the black-eared boy and gently cupped the side of his face.
"Oppa, don't act so clueless," she cooed. "I know you know where it is. Just tell me."
"I don't know where-" he started again but cut off abruptly when a flash of silver appeared as Hani pulled something out of her waistband.
"Try again, Jiminie," the girl said mockingly as she elegantly directed the barrel of the gun in Jimin's direction. She was about to say something else when something made her pause and tilt her head. She looked at Sehun.
"What did you do?"
Sehun stared back at her with wide eyes, breathing hard. Hani lunged at him, shaking all three of the captives as she dug through Sehun's pockets until she located his cell phone.
The screen was lit up with an ongoing call.
Furious, Hani grabbed Sehun's collar and shook the bound boy with as much force as she could muster.
"Who is Rapmonster?!" she screeched. "Who did you call?"
Jimin knew that nickname in an instant.
Namjoon hyung.
Senun had somehow managed to make a call to Namjoon hyung.
If Sehun called Namjoon, then that could tell the others their location. Namjoon hyung was smart enough to figure out what was happening through listening in on Hani's raving. They could be saved.
Hani was panicking, scrambling with herself to know what to do. Jimin could see the chaos in her eyes. She turned to the small man in a suit who had come in with her, snarling at him."Give me my phone!"
The man tossed the object at her and she dialed a number, howling into the speaker, "Our location has been leaked. Move the other hybrids! Get them out, now!"
"Other hybrids?" Sehun breathed. "There are others?"
Jimin's chest tightened at the thought that they were keeping the others locked up, probably like animals in a cage.
"Do you have Baekhyun?" Sehun cried. "Hani, do you?!"
Who's Baekhyun? Jimin was obviously missing something.
The girl simply laughed. She motioned to the suited man and commanded, "Separate them, but don't untie their hands."
The small man quickly untied their feet and separated their bonds so that only their hands were still tied together. The three captives got to their feet as she waved the gun threateningly at them.
"Just try to run," Hani said absently, looking at her phone screen.
Maybe I can just talk to her, Jimin mused. We dated for a long time, surely all of the feelings weren't fake. She must care about me some.
Y/N nudged Jimin with her shoulder, looking at him suspiciously.
"What are you planning?" she mumbled.
Jimin grinned at her reassuringly. "Don't worry, I've got this."
With his kind made up, he confidently began to approach Hani.


He was walking toward her.
Toward her.
Straight at the crazy girl with a gun.
You couldn't believe your eyes as Jimin wobbled over to Hani with his hands still tied behind his back.
"Um...what is he doing?" Sehun tilted his head to the side, confused.
You just shrugged and panicked internally, was he crazy?! What was he doing?
"Hani," Jimin said, using the most charmingly persuasive voice you've ever heard leave his lips. Hani looked up with a semi-amused smile on her perfect lips. To you and Sehun, it was plain as day that she had been pretending and wouldn't fall for anything that Jimin tried to throw at her.
Your ex-best friend is really an idiot.
"Jimin," you hissed at him. "Stop it, you won't help anything."
"You should listen to your little heat mate," Hani chimed evilly. "You won't help, hun."
Heat mate?
"Heat mate?" Jimin mumbled, echoing your own thoughts. Oh goodness, you really didn't want to hash the whole heat situation at a time like this.
"Didn't you know? Every hybrid has that one person who gives them butterflies and all that trash." Hani was texting someone again, her face creased with stress but obviously not enough stress to stop terrorizing you. "That one person who wakes up the heat and the only one who can stop it. You didn't think that was a joke, did you?"
Jimin shook his head, as if clearing a bad thought away.
"But, Hani," he said sweetly. "I still picked you."
You clenched your jaw and looked away. Logically, this really wasn't the time to be focusing on these feelings.
That didn't stop it from hurting, though.
Hani found that so amusing. She laughed hard, making your eardrums through with the high-pitched notice.
"Jimin, you can't pick," she chuckled. "Your heat mate is irreplaceable. Basically your soulmate." Hani tapped her phone thoughtfully. "I actually thought I was going to have to kill you a couple of times, Y/N. You kept getting in the way, plus I would have enjoyed it."
You snorted, not surprised in the least and still stuck on the fact that Jimin was supposed to be your soulmate. The boy had turned around at the words to look at you with wide eyes, but you refused to make eye contact.
You were soulmates and he still rejected you.
If that didn't send you sense of self-worth crashing to the ground in flames, nothing ever would.
"That's where annoyingly-persistent little Sehun comes in," Hani continued. "At first, you were like a little roach. Always in my way. I had to keep an eye on you in case you saw someone's ears and started connecting the pieces. But then, you started helping me."
"Me?" Sehun said. "What did I do?"
"You drove that final wedge between our two little matey-mates here. I had been trying to separate them so I could get Jiminie, but you were that final factor that made their relationship..." she paused, thinking of the right word. "Break."
That was a nice way to put it.
"Hani, please," Jimin pleaded, stepping closer. Hani shifted uneasily at the action and grabbed the gun tighter.  Either not seeing the signs or refusing to acknowledge them, Jimin continued to move closer to the dangerous girl.
"That wasn't all fake, Hani, some of it was real," he said. "Just let us go, baby. You don't want to hurt me, right?"
If your hands had been free, you would have smacked your palm to your forehead. Instead, you said, "Jimin, quit it."
He ignored you, moving closer.
"Don't make me shoot you, Jimin," Hani warned softly.
"Jimin, stop it," you stressed. You were getting scared now.
"Shut up, Y/N!" the insane boy barked.
Hani raised the gun and kept it pointed at Jimin's chest, steady and sure. "It wasn't real, Jimin," Hani laughed. "Get that through your thick head."
"Don't lie," Jimin stubbornly commanded.
"Listen to me, Jimin," you shrieked. He was going to get killed. There was a gun pointed at his heart, and he was acting like it was a toy. "Get away from her, please!"
"You don't want to hurt me, right, Hani?" he said.
You could feel Hani's tolerance being eaten away by his persistence. It was all but gone.
"You asked for it, oppa," Hani said.
The moment happened in almost slow motion. Jimin finally stopped moving, sensing the tension in the air. He watched in disbelief as his 'girlfriend' curled one finger around the silvery metal trigger.
She pulled.
Your heart stopped.
You had said at one point that you thought you would be really good at American football. Now, you knew you would be.
Hani pulled the trigger, but you were already moving.
For the second time, you tucked your shoulder in and tackled your ex-best friend to the ground, this time with the sound of gunshots blasting in the background.

HAPPY EASTER 🐰🐰🐣🐥🐣🐰🐰❤️
Sorry I took so long to update😞 but here it is
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