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Mason's POV-

Secrets. No one wants to reveal theirs and everyone wants to know others. Some want to keep but are forced to reveal them, no matter how dark.
While others don't want to keep them but circumstances force them to do otherwise. They have the power to make relationships and break them. They have the power to change lives for better or for worse. And no one had any idea this one secret was capable of destroying so much.

Ashton had transformed into the bad boy he once pretended to be. Trying to steer clear of any emotions, Allison's return had brought back some of the old Ash but he still had a long way to go. Allison on the other hand had somewhat sworn off of love and tried to leave town in hopes of getting over him but coming back it seemed had brought all of it back.

I wish I could convince Ash to tell the truth but I don't think anyone can.

We still had the dilemma of whether or not to tell Tom.

Forgetting all of that, the next few weeks of school were spent rehearsing for the play. Luke and Caroline had either made some serious improvements in their relationship with each other or mastered the art of acting, because they really seemed like they liked each other.

Even though I had nothing to do with the play, being the assistant director's boyfriend means spending half your day in the auditorium. And it was coming together quit well.

Kate and I had planned a date at my house. A movie night with takeout from our favorite place down the street. A romantic evening away from the hubbub of school and its play.

The only fault in that plan turned out to be our choice of friends. As soon as the date started I got a message from Luke saying he's going to come over. In an effort to prevent him from crashing our date I told him that I was not at home.

"Dude I can see that the lights in your room are on. We do live right in front of each other, you can't ignore me man I'm coming over. See you in a bit."

Before I could even press the end button on Luke's call the door bell rang.

"Who's it now?" Kate said tiered of being interrupted.

Luke did say he was coming over but he can't be that fast. By the time we descended the stairs we heard another bell and wondered why this person was so anxious.

The moment we opened the door we understood why there they were two bells. Luke and Caroline were standing in front of our door, facing opposite directions. And I was pretty sure the double bell was a result of one of their petty egos which insisted that each ring the bell for themselves.

We tried to return both of them and failed miserably. I wish they fall in love someday so that I can extract my revenge on them by disturbing the little time they get to spend that special person.

We let them in at last and Care told us that she wanted to talk to her about something (since Alli was busy writing something, which is the only time when none of us dare to disturb her.)

And apparently luke wanted to talk to me about something too.


We had tried to make Ash talk about what happened a few days ago, without letting on that we knew it and he didn't even open his mouth, at least in front of the girls. He told me and Luke after much reluctance.

After it was clear he wasn't going to tell Alli any time soon I and Kate tried to take matters in our own hands. We decided that it would be better if I talked to her. Because Ash hadn't even told her about the latest development.

I gave it lot of thought and then wrote a letter. There was no other way I could tell her about it and not have shed a tear.

I called Allison and told her to wait at her house for me after confirming that Ash was away. The moment I stepped in the house I could imagine what how one decision would change all of our lives especially Ash and Alli's.

"Okay Allison I want you to listen to me and answer very carefully. As one of your best friends I going to ask you a very important question so please answer me honestly. Do you still love Ashton? And do you wish to know why he reacted the way he did two years ago?"

She remained silent for a moment and then said, "I don't know if I do."

I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"What would you do if the person you loved, your best friend did that to you. I forgave him but I do not know if I wish to forget it neither do I wish to repeat the same mistake again. Whatever the reason might be, he did what he did. I do not want to know why because it doesn't matter. "

I wrapped my arms around her in an effort to comfort her and replied.

"If your mind is made then I won't pressure you I will however leave you this letter. I wrote it down for two reasons, I thought you might want to be alone when you read it and I could not bring myself to say the words that I wrote. Keep it with you and if ever should you feel like forgetting it read the letter. I cannot imagine how low you must think Ashton stooped and I cannot defend him without telling you the reason. Just remember he is still the same person who used to be your best friend. Circumstances affect everyone but he has not completely changed. Have faith in god, life and the man you once loved."

"Why does it have to be like that? Why did he have to do that? I was perfectly fine remaing just a friend to him, despite my feeling I never needed anything more form, just to be the friend that he had always been, so why did it have to be changed. I didn't even knew he had any idea about my feelings for him.

And yet after all that he has done, sometimes he acts just like he used to like the Ashton Forbes I proudly called my best friend. Why does he do that? I can't understand that effing idiot. And yet after all this you say that he's not changed?"

"I'm so sorry but I can't explain it if you don't read it. If he finds out I gave it to you he'd cut me off too, probably never talk to me again."

"I don't want fall into old habits again I don't want to think about that day ever again."

"then you don't have to. Just keep it safely.

And brighten up before I tell you about something that is going to make you really happy. It's about Luke and Care."


I told Kate Luke and Caroline about it. Caroline was angrier about what Ashton did more than Allison herself but she could not blame him, none of us could, we did do nothing about it for two years. We didn't have the right to be angry about any of it, but we were. Sad and angry.

If any two people were meant for each it had to be the two of them. If I didn't had Kate all this would have been enough to make me stop believing in love.


Above is a pic of the gorgeous Caroline.

It's not too long but not too short either? So what do you think?

Do you hate Ashton yet for what he did?

What do you think could have been the reason for his behavior?

Tell me in the COMMENTS and don't forget to VOTE.

Also do you think I should change the name of the story one last time? How does 'The Perks Of Falling For Your Bestfriend' sound? I'll change the name if I get five comments in favour of it.

Love, A.

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