Chapter 23 part 2 Taken

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Monday was another warm day of sweaty training; I hadn't seen payton much still. Normally he disappeared when I began my training sessions and I pretended not to notice his absence. I knew he was avoiding me, not that I cared much, but it felt unprofessional for the alpha of my pack to be avoiding his trainer when I was the whole reason we came to Blue Moon. I had come to terms with the fact that I decided I didn't need some stupid guy, even if I loved him, directing my life like it was some performance play and I was his puppet to control. I'm my own independent person, and I don't need them. I smirked to myself as these thoughts filled my mind.

That's right kat. It's you and me against the world. We like it that way any way, murmured my wolf.

Pride filled my chest, yet I knew she didn't actually feel that way, and she was simply going along with me because she'd been just as hurt as I was. I knew she wanted her mate, and I felt so touched that she tried to keep up a positive attitude all the time when all she wanted to do was jump into Michael's arms. She knew it was our birthright to be luna, to lead his pack and members, and bear his pups. I snapped from my thoughts to the training taking place in front of me, taking noticing of a few of the younger fighters not kicking correctly and a pup almost giving another a concussion. I sighed and rushed over to help; I dove in front of the flying leg and grabbed the ankle of the young blond girl. Falling back a little and failing to keep balance, the girl and I both fell and giggled.

"Sorry miss Katherine." She mumbled breathless, sweat dripping down her neck.

I smiled and helped her up from the grass. I nodded to the other brunette as she smiled and mumbled a thank you for saving her from getting bruises. After properly showing the girls how to roundhouse kick, I headed back to my position at the front of the crowd where I stood for a few minutes.

"Alright everyone that's it for today. Good job-" I broke off suddenly as a giant brown wolf leaped toward the young blond from earlier.

She screamed as the large beast landed on her chest, digging in its long talons. Her cries grew louder as the wolf growled in response and tried to bite at her head. She blocked the wolf feverishly as her peers stood shell-shocked with fear. My adrenaline kicked in as soon as the wolf had jumped at her, and I ran, jumping quickly and clutched the large beast around its dark, fur covered stomach. I rolled away from her body quickly, successfully pulling it off the bloodied blond. The wolf and I sprang apart and crouched into attacking positions. I kept my head lowered down and my arms by my sides, ready to defend the crowd of people behind.

"Go get the alphas and paramedics now!" I shrieked, still staring the wolf down with a glare.

All the wolves but a few ran inside shouting for the alphas and preventing the smaller pups from going outside. The enemy decided now was the time to attack; lunging for me viciously, growling hungrily. It leaped at me and caught my arm in its jaws, gnawing at my forearm aggressively as I stood my ground. I bit my lip, holding back a cry of pain, as I wrapped my legs around the torso of my attacker. Shifting my weight as I pushed hard against him, I threw us to the grass. Digging my heels into the wolf's rib cage, I headbutted my enemy. As the wolf howls in pain, I got my injured arm away from the gaping jaws of the beast. I grabbed my knife from my ponytail and bury it into the chest of the wolf under me. The wolf, as he howled out in pain, bucked me off his torso angrily. I landed on my feet in a crouched position a few feet away, sweat rolling down my temples, as I remained attentive, focusing on what my attacker would do next.

The brown wolf, now covered in blood and dirt, turned his large head up and howled loudly. Suddenly, three more large, furry, brown wolves leaped out of the forest from the same direction the original wolf came from. I groaned slightly, wondering where my backup was supposed to be, and I took this opportunity to survey my surroundings for any bystanders or weapons of use to me. Finding myself entirely deserted and no weapons in sight, I turned back to my opponents. They formed a small circle around me and began closing in on me. I pulled out a small knife from the sheath I hid in the pocket of my tights and threw it at the closest of the attackers. Hitting the large beast in the head, the monster clambered down to the grassy terrain below him quickly.

The other wolves growled angrily, and I pulled out my last dagger secretly from my other pocket  as one with bright yellow eyes lunged for me. I fell with the wolf to the hard ground, the air escaping my lungs with the impact. His long, dark claws dug savagely into my chest, causing me to scream out in pain. I pulled out my legs from under the beast and wrapped them around his neck quickly, my back screaming out at me as I stretched it out. The wolf growled as I twisted my hips, the growl cut off with a snap. I pushed the heavy body off me quickly and rolled away from an on-coming attacker. Suddenly, Michael and Payton clamored out into the clearing, both packs following. The crowd crying out and shrieking with horror at the obvious rogue attack. Michael immediately shifted and lunged at the wolf that attacked me first. I smiled as he snapped the wolf's large, blood stained neck.

A final wolf emerged from the dark shadows and grabbed me roughly in its sickening claws. I screamed as the earth suddenly flew up to meet me. I slammed my head on a near by rock and the world began to blur. I watched painfully as my pack and friends faded away while the wolf carried me away from my home. I saw emily and rown chase after the wolf, now carrying me on its furry back. I reached out to touch their fading shapes as they disappeared and my vision became muddled. Feeling something wet on my face, I touched my eye slowly and as my fingers came away bloody, the world went black and all was finally silent.

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