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(His POV)

Around three months ago Niall mentioned that he is bringing us to the wedding of his aunt and uncle but after a while I thought he had changed his mind or was told that he couldn't bring three of his friends since there may be no space.

But around a week before the wedding Niall came in claiming he had completely forgot and that he is bringing us along, three days ago we went and had to buy suits and get them a small gift.

So here we are entering the reception, it was a nice wedding his uncle greeted us before the wedding, well more like hit Niall over the head and scolded him at the wedding for 1.) Showing up late and 2.) Disrupting the ceremony, since we sat at the second row we couldn't sneak in quietly and everyone could hear and see us. We apologised after because of Niall thinking it was two o'clock and not one.

We all sit down at the seats with our name on the little piece of card. After an hour or so people started making speeches.

His Uncle's best man was speaking at the moment and just as I thought the idiotic Niall couldn't do anything else wrong this week, he accidentally kicks me in the shin and I yelp in pain and turn to him.

"I swear to god Niall, this full week you've been nothing but an absolute ass, a complete idiot, a dimwitted bastard and I have many other stuff to call you right now that's in my head but they may be too rude to say out loud at a wedding but just to let you know I will be telling you every single one of them when we leave here" I whisper shout at him. 

Liam punches my arm as a few heads turn from the tables near us and Niall sits wide eyed.

"Sorry I only kicked you, by accident" "it wasn't just that this full week has been stressful because you are so unorganised... and a twat".

I hear a small feminine laugh come from the table next to us, I feel a chill run down my spine at the gorgeous sound and I turn to see a girl around my age sitting laughing quietly at me.

A woman, who I presume is her mum taps her arm to stop and she glances back at me before smiling. I smile and lean back on my seat, not taking my eyes off her as she goes back to paying attention to the speech, already thoughts of kissing her came to my mind but I try and shake my foolish thoughts from my mind since she probably will only see me this once and I don't even know her.

After the speeches people started to dance and talk amongst themselves, I turned to Niall "sorry for... that. I was just annoyed and I-" "nah don't worry about it, sorry I've been so unorganised" he hugged me and I see over his shoulder the girl from earlier, sitting in her seat and see Harry sitting where her mum was, talking to her.

I can already feel myself getting jealous, I know she'll probably prefer him more since he will have more charm than me, I always find woman thinking Harry as more attractive as well.

"Who is she?" I say quietly as we sit back down from getting a drink and Niall follows my gaze, turning round and after a few second turning back to me and smiles "that's my cousin, Y/n" "oh".

"Go talk to her" he says taking a sip of his drink "nah Harry is" I say huffing "she was laughing with you before" "so?" "so? I know her, she loves humour, she dumped a guy before because he took life too seriously. She says she needs someone to make her laugh in a relationship before anything else" he says before taking a sip of his drink again.

"She told you that about her?" "She told my other cousin, Jen, I just overheard but I think you should go talk to her" he urges.

"I don't know, she might find Harry funny" I say, "you kidding? Have you heard his jokes compared to yours, you are naturally hilarious" he says and pushes me to stand up, "you sure is not you that wants to go out with me?" I joke and walk over.

Harry notices first, "hey Louis, have you met-" "y/n, yeah we talked earlier" I lie and she looks up at me. I see her smile widely at me, attention leaving Harry, I feel myself smiling at her.

I feel as if Harry knows that I like her already because he stands up and pats my back as he walks away. "Sorry" I say, feeling guilty that I've ruined their conversation "it's absolutely fine Louis" he assures as he carries on walking.

"Sit" I hear her say and I turn back to her before taking the seat Harry was sitting on "so you talked to me earlier? I don't remember that" she laughs as I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Yeah sorry, I just wanted him to leave so I could talk to you" I say.

"Oh? And why do you want to talk to me?" She asks smiling, I could look at her smiling all day.

"Because the second I heard your laugh I wanted to see your face and the second I saw your face..." I cut myself off from making a mistake so I don't want to sound like an idiot and scare her away and ruin the moment.

"What?" She asks curiously "the second I saw your face I wanted to kiss you" I admit.

"Well take me on a date first and get to know me and maybe after you can kiss me" she teases "oh don't worry Y/n I was planning on taking you on a date anyway" I say and she laughs.

"Also, how do you know my name? I never told you" she says as she grabs a pen from her bag and taking the lid of with her mouth as she grabs my hand with her free hand.

Her soft fingers gently grip my wrist as she starts writing something onto my hand, but I just look at her face not taking much notice into what she's writing, "Niall told me when I asked him about you".

"You asked about me?" She mumbles through the pen lid balanced between her lips and I take it out and set it on the table while laughing nervously, all the things I'm saying sounds creepy to me but she's still here.

"Yeah, I was jealous you were talking to Harry when I basically met you first" she laughs quietly and grabs the lid before putting it back in her bag.

I look to see she's written her number "could you not of just took my phone and done it?" I say laughing and I shake my head as I grab my phone and start to put her number into my phone.

"I thought this way was funnier" she says as I finish putting her number in and lick my ink-less hand and wipe off the pen, struggling as it just smudges.

"I'll call you" I say as I stand and start to walk away and she smiles "yeah".

I sit down, "well I see you enjoyed yourself" Harry says smiling at me "with my cousin" Niall adds "sorry lad" I say and turn and look over Liam's shoulder and yet again lock eyes with her and we both smile automatically.

"Jesus Christ look at them already" Niall moans and I turn around and roll my eyes at him "shut up".

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍; preferences.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon