Chapter 28

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Trace was sitting down in an isolated spot, right next to the small space where Bunker had said they were holding the Dorado Pieces. Trace's eyes had widened when she had heard that they were carrying them. Ever since she was young, she had been told that they were just legends, things that kids like her were told as bedtime stories. Now, to find out they were true, she couldn't believe it. Bunker had let her get a quick peek before locking them up in the safe, and they were everything that Trace had imagined they'd be and more. Three golden shapes, a sphere, a pyramid, and a cylinder, adorned the small box, casting everything in it's surroundings in a bright glow. Bunker had placed the box back in the safe, and then Trace had sat down next to it, offering to stay in the small room so no one would have to share a room. Bunker had confusedly accepted, not knowing what Trace was really thinking. I've been inside that cell for God knows how long. If  I don't sleep in something incredibly small, I wouldn't be able to catch a wink. After a few hours of sleep, she estimated, she woke up, and was sitting in the darkness of the cramped space. Then, she heard someone moving around upstairs. Peeking out of the small crack of her door, she could faintly make out Andress walking across the upper level of the cargo bay, her rifle in hand. What's she up to? Before Trace could consider it, she saw Andress shoot both the twins, knocking Edvard back against the door. She put her hands over her mouth to keep from gasping. After sitting there silently, she felt the ship begin to turn. Then, she felt Edvard stir against the door. She began to whisper in his ear, thinking fast. "Listen lovely, I don't know where we're going, but I bet it's nowhere good. Listen carefully. We don't have much time..."

The star studded infinite was undisturbed, until space seemed to warp in front of it. It was like someone had slashed the stars with a blade, making it bleed blue and red energy, and then, a large silver ship emerged from the wound, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Gottlieb stood on the bridge as the Independence Zero dropped out of the wormhole. This was what the Quantum Engine was truly capable of. Folding space in half to create a small portal known as a wormhole, it could propel ships and vehicles across the entire galaxy in seconds. The true genius of this entire invention had come from the AU Protocols themselves. The Dorado Pieces each seemed to emanate some kind of special aura, something that no scientific device could record or interpret. But whatever it was, it could be harnessed. The best minds in the GDF had determined that the Dorado Pieces were made out of a element that did not exist on the periodic table, something that was not of this universe. But, the more important things was, it gave off quarks, pure quantum energy that could be controlled, and if harnessed correctly, could generate the first ever man-made wormhole. It took almost 5 years of researching and testing, but finally, the first ever Quantum Engine was fitted into the newly built Independence Zero. This was to be the first of many that would allow GDF ships to travel anywhere in space instantly, making it impossible for the Resistance to hide anymore. Their rule would soon be absolute. Gottlieb looked over at the High Monarch, who was staring out the window at Maxima 1, which was where they had materialized, and was the homeworld of the GDF. "Well, High Monarch?" She looked forwards, and without moving, she responded. "Excellent work, Director. There may be hope for you yet."

The blue skies of Maxima 1 shone, but were only outshone by the glaring great towers and buildings that adorned the capital city of Maxima 1, Eden. Home to the GDF Council and the High Monarch's personal residence, it was considered by some to be the crown jewel of the occupied systems, others considered it to be the main tumour in the cancerous galaxy. In either case, the people of Maxima 1 were the most extravagant of the entire system. Their clothes, technology, and lifestyle was miles above any average being in the galaxy. The city was filled with hoverways, roads which were packed to the brim with hover vehicles, and stretched on for what seemed like forever. On the edge of the city lied the Docking Yards, where GDF ships, military, leisure, cargo or otherwise launched and landed every single day. This was where the Independence Zero was making landfall. Everyone in the city had gathered to see the fleet's newest flagship grace the people with it's presence. As it gently dropped down from the sky, the reverse boosters flared, making the ship glide slowly to a halt, and stop within the docking clamps. Soon after, the front ramp opened, and the full procession of GDF militia began to disembark from the large behemoth. Neo Shock Troopers, Soldiers, SWAT, Pilots, it didn't matter what their position was. The crowd cheered for them nonetheless, like heroes returning from battle. Then, at the end of the trail of white and chrome, was a large grey shuttle, being pulled by a GDF transport truck, along with Gottlieb and the High Monarch herself riding in a luxury hover vehicle. Behind them was an open-faced truck, with the 7 prisoners separated in different sections, looking out at the planet which would mean their doom. As Nolun raised his hands to the light, he remembered hearing about Maxima 1 from other pilots who had been there. They had said that it was beautiful, how the buildings seemed to touch the sky, and the plants and grass was the greenest they had ever seen. Looking out across the field now, it seemed a lot less impressive considering the circumstances. Looking through the clear barriers separating him from the others, he was in between Koil and Andress. He turned and put his hands on the barrier between him and Andress. "Andress...hey! It's me, Nolun! Remember?" Koil looked up at Nolun with sad eyes. "It's no use, Nolun. She's under Gottlieb's control now. She has no more control then Zero did when we first met him." The situation began to really weigh down on Nolun. Normally, he would be thinking that there was always a way out. As the cheering crowd and sunlight surrounded him, he began to think otherwise. As he sat down against the wall of his compartment, he thought he heard Andress speak from her cell. "Nolun..."

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