Chapter 5

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"So how long has it been?" Janet, Maeve's best friend, asked.

"Six months." Maeve answered simply.

"And you're just now going to see him?" Janet inquired again.

"We've both been busy!" Maeve defended, still packing her bag for her week trip to LA. It had been six months since Josh and Maeve met. They kept in contact as promised and in Maeve's eyes their relationship was doing great.

"Whatever," Janet spoke, "just remember to pack your pretty underwear." She winked. Maeve scoffed and threw a pillow at her.

"Perv." Maeve said as Janet laughed and threw the pillow back at her.

"Hurry up will ya? I'm ready to eat." Janet hopped off if Maeve's bed and made her way towards the door.

"Yeah, yeah we can go." Maeve replied, locking up her apartment as she left.


"When is she flying in?" Flea asked Josh as he tuned his bass.

"Uh... tomorrow." Josh replied.

"And she's staying with you?" Flea wiggled his eyebrows at him.

"I'm sure she booked a hotel, but I was going to offer a room at my place. " Josh said smiling. After Flea and Josh chatted for a while, Chad and Anthony strolled into the studio.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Chad asked.

"Not much," Flea answered, "We were just discussing Josh's lady friend that's coming into town."

"Interesting," Anthony chimed in, "What's the lucky lady's name?"

"Her name is Maeve. " Josh said.

"Sounds hot." Chad commented and the room laughed.

Josh nodded, "She's beautiful...yeah."

"So..." Chad spoke again, "is this the good old wham, bam, thank you ma'am?" He smirked. The guys laughed again.

"Oh Chadwick can't you see he's in love?" Anthony teased, placing a hand on his heart and batting his eyes.

"Yeah Chad. It's obviously a wham bam, wham bam again, then a thank you ma'am." Flea teased too.

"You guys are ridiculous." Josh said still laughing.


"Hey Jay. I just picked up my baggage." Maeve spoke into her phone.

"I know." He replied.

"You know?" Maeve laughed.

"Turn around." Josh said and Maeve followed his instructions.

It took a moment for Maeve to see him, but as soon as she saw his beanie and small wave she drug her bags as quickly as she could towards him. She almost knocked him over with her hug.

"Hi." Josh said with a laugh as he wrapped his arms around Maeve.

"I'm really happy to see you." She mumbled into his shoulder.

Josh kept laughing, "I can tell." Maeve let Josh go and allowed him to carry her suitcase. They weaved through people to get to their can outside the airport. Once they settled into the cab Josh spoke again.

"How was your flight?"

"Terrifying." Maeve replied shortly. She could hear Josh snickering at her. "Don't laugh Jay!" She said lightly slapping his arm, " I told ya I had never been on a plane! I almost pissed myself when it took off." Now Maeve was laughing. She was exaggerating, but if there was turbulence, she probably would've wet herself.

Maeve didn't let go of Josh's hand the whole can ride to his place. She tried to convince him that she would be fine at her hotel alone, but Josh insisted that she stay with him. "I have plenty of room for you." Josh kept telling Maeve. Of course she gave in, there was no way she could keep saying no to him.

Josh unlocked his door and let Maeve walk in first. She stood in the doorway, scanning the room silently.

"Something wrong?" Josh asked, wrapping an arm around Maeve.

She shook her head, "No. Your place is amazing Jay. "

Josh smiled, "Thanks. I have a bit of clutter though."

"No worries. I'm glad you're not a neat freak. I find comfort in a little chaos. Maeve replied turning and hugging Josh for the hundredth time already.

"I'll show you to your room." Josh grabbed Maeve's hand and led Maeve down the hallway to a guess room. It took longer than one would think because every few steps Maeve would stop to admire a painting or guitar.

Josh didn't mind though. Josh loved that she was so interested in him and his experiences.  He would take the time to tell the story of how he came across each  painting or guitar. Some didn't have much of a back story, but Maeve soaked up everything he had to say. She would look him directly in the eyes and smile. It gave Josh butterflies and that was another thing he loved about Maeve. Only she could give him butterflies like that. Even when they were miles away from each other.

They finally made it to the room. "Go ahead and unpack. I'll get us something to eat. I know you're hungry." Josh said to Maeve.

"You know me too well." She laughed unzipping her suitcase.

Josh left the room and went to his kitchen. He rummaged around for a bit before deciding to make sandwiches. Josh carried the plate back to the room, knocking before he entered.

" I hope you don't mind sandwiches," he began, "We'll have a better dinner I promise." Josh chuckled. He looked up and saw Maeve's suitcase open next to the dresser half unpacked. Her shoes and socks were tossed, carelessly, next to the suitcase and she was wrapped in the covers of the bed.

Josh walked over and sat the plate down on the nightstand. He turned to walk out the room when heard a small mumble. "Jay." Maeve called from the bed.

"Hm?" He answered.

"Come nap with me please." She said. How could he say no to that? Josh loved how cute her accent was when she was sleepy. He walked over and kicked off his shoes. Maeve rolled over a bit to make room for Josh. Once he was in and comfortable Maeve rolled back over and snuggled into Josh's chest.

"Night." She mumbled again. Josh wrapped around her and laughed lightly.

"Good night." He said. Josh couldn't help but love how dorky she was. He loved the smell of vanilla that radiated from her. He loved how she warmed up to his place quickly, and how attentive she was when he was speaking to her.

Josh simply loved Maeve.

Beseech ~A Josh Klinghoffer Short Story~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن