Hot Jerk meets Nerd

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Hot Jerk Meets Nerd

Chapter One: Party At My House

Nymphadora’s POV

I looked at the room through the window, wishing I could go in, join the fun. No-one really cares about nerds like me. I’m average looking for a 16 year old. But hey, average doesn’t get you anywhere in life. You have to be hot, not smart. You have to have curves and show of your legs. Not have great grades and love subjects everyone else hates, like science. I try to fit in, but it never works. I tried going ‘Bad-Girl’ for a month or so, but I didn’t like all the adults yelling at me (I was only 13). I then tried to be peppy, and join the cheerleading squad. That ended with me in the hospital, lying unconscious for 2 weeks with a broken arm and fractured skull. I even tried the Goth/Emo look. All that achieved was my mum getting worried about me going suicidal and cutting my wrists. I got bored of not being me, and so went back to being the goody-goody two shoes I always was. My name didn’t help much either, who in their right mind would call their daughter Nymphadora? I swear my mum is crazy. But at least she has a normal name (Emily Childs), and didn’t have the nickname Nymphy at school.

Anyway back to the whole looking through window thing, I was at my house, watching my brothers’ (Link Childs) party swing out of control. He is the typical 16 year old boy, great looks, and a steady girlfriend, named Poppy. Currently she was passed out on the couch, due to much too much alcohol, mainly beer, I should imagine. Link had a cheerleader up against the stair case and was basically sucking her face off. This isn’t anything new as he brought home Jessica the head cheerleader last night, not that Poppy knew of course. So this is an average Friday night, for me anyway. My brother kicked me out of the house two hours earlier and locked the backdoor. And since then I have been sat on the porch waiting for Mum to finish work in London, or for someone to let me in.

Just as I was about to give up, a boy walked out the door looking surprisingly sober. I hadn’t seen him around before so I knew he was new.

“Hey sweetheart, whatcha doing out here on your pretty little ass?” I looked at him, completely shocked. Did he just talk to me? Did he just flirt with me? I spun my head and looked around, in case I was mistaken, and he was talking to someone behind me. When I saw no-one else I looked at him and blushed,

“Ar-r-r-e you talking to m-m-me?” I stuttered, unsure if he was joking or not.

“Of course, no-one else has a butt like that around here, so who else would I be talking to?” I stared at him, dumbfounded. He wasn’t bad looking; he had shaggy black hair and pale blue sparkling eyes. He was wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt that emphasized his muscles and dark skinny jeans and sneakers.  When he realised I was checking him out he smirked and my blush went from rose pink to tomato red. “See anything you like?” He asked me as I looked at him.

“Oh, yes.” I replied and instantly my hand flew to my mouth. All I could think was ‘OMG! What am I saying?!’ I stared at him wide eyed and started to try to apologise, “Oh… I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean that, it just came out!” I looked at him once more before standing up and running inside hiding my face so no-one would recognise me. I ran straight to my room where I kicked the couple in there out into the hall and locked my door. Oh My God. What have I done?? What happened to the girl who never talks to boys, and only cares about school? I sat on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Saturday was a lazy day in my family by tradition. I slept until 11am, and then read for 3 hours before getting up to grab something to eat. In the kitchen was the boy from last night. I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. I was only wearing a long t-shirt that barely covered me up, and my hair was a mess from being in bed all morning. I let him speak first.

“Hi, you’re the girl from last night, aren’t you? Wow, you look better with make-up and straight hair. But I love the top.” He smirked as I looked down at my top to check I wasn’t showing anything.

“Um… Thanks? I came down for a slice of toast and a glass of milk, so, um… I’m just going to, um, grab them, and, you know, um, leave.” I walked past the mystery boy and grabbed a slice of bread to put in the toaster. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured some milk in it to me. “Thanks” I said before taking a sip. My toast popped up out of the toaster and I grabbed it and fled from the kitchen as fast as I could without looking like I was running away, which I was.

I ran upstairs and hammered on my brothers’ door, wanting to know who that boy was.

“WHAT!?” he yelled when he opened the door. Wow. He looked terrible; he must have a whopper of a hangover to look like he did. His usually bright eyes were dark and gloomy and his chocolate brown hair hung down in his eyes, rather than being spiked up like normal. I stared for a moment before reminding myself why I came up here.

“Um… Who’s the guy who stayed over last night, with the skinny jeans and black top?” I asked.

“Who? Oh, you mean Tyler. He’s the new boy, but he seemed pretty cool so I let him stay over. He didn’t feel like driving.” He explained. I stared, shocked my brother could be so stupid, he could have been a psychopath for all he knew.

“So… are you going to be seeing a lot of Tyler?” I asked, needing to know whether to go to the library tomorrow, or whether I can stay at home. He looked at me suspiciously and raised his eyebrows,

“Why, does someone have a crush? Kissy kissy!” He laughed at me and I glared daggers at him. He is the only person I can stand up against, unlucky for him.

“I don’t know, is that person you or me, ‘cause since when did, either you or I like boys, or girls for that matter? I mean just like kissing whoever you can.” I blinked as I waited for an answer. Just then another voice sounded, right in my ear.

“I can see your underwear.” The voice stated quietly, it would make most girls fall to their knees and pray to belong to it. I knew the voice, Tyler. I spun round, pulled my top down and stormed off, back to my room.

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