The decisions

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Few hours later the Oberoi mansion

Shivaays POV:
I don't know what to do how did my life come to this Om loves my child mother how will he react to the truth he will break down he knows that I got someone pregnant bit doesn't know who what shall I do who shall I choose my child or my brother who I'm so confused

I look at the frame of me om and Rudra we look so happy Their but don't know what's gonna happen when he finds out miss rajput is pregnant with my child

As I go closer to the frame all the memories of me and my cousins no I mean my siblings come back to me he will be devastated and heartbroken don't know what I'm gonna do I have to call miss rajput to marry my brother but give full custody of my child to me

Then Om comes in
"Shivaay what happen to you where are you so lost oh I know you are probably thinking about your child and what's her name anika right how weird it'll be both of our wives name will be anika"
He says smiling and sitting down on the sofa grabbing the photo frame of my hand

" I still remember when we took this photo we went to our favourite Spanish restaurant I miss the olden times shivaay how I with time stops going so fast ok now I forgot to tell you the reason I'm here Dadi told me to tell you to get ready as you know the brides family Will be here soon so hurry up ok"
He says while putting the frame back on the table then getting up to go

I now know my Decision I know what to do it'll be best for everyone especially Om and miss rajput but most importantly my child
POV ends

Rajput mansion
Few hours later
Anika clothing:

Rajput mansion Few hours later Anika clothing:

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"Di can I come in"
Ri says then I nod

"Di think twice at Least for your child he deserves to know who his father is naa"
Ri tells me caressing my hands not looking directly at me
She's right and that's why I have a plan

"Ri don't worry ill handle everything I'm never gonna snatch my baby away from its father no matter what ok whoever this man is I won't marry him I'll only marry mr Oberoi he has every right on this child im 1 month ri the guy needs to understand that their is a baby growing inside me who needs his father by it's side right"
I say looking teary eyed before she nods

Precap-anika finds out who it is
A big misunderstanding between anika Om and gauri

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