Chapter 26.

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Yusuf’s POV

They had done several tests and scans on my ankle. The doctor had told me to rest my ankle and he gave me a date for when I could return to collect my results.

We only had to wait a few days but each day seemed to stretch out longer than a normal day. In anticipation of what the doctor would say, I became a little distant with everyone, even Safia.

“Everything will be okay, in’sha’allah.” She kept saying.

When we were finally sitting opposite the doctor a few days later, I took Safia’s hands between mine to calm my nerves.

“We have the results.” He said. I swallowed my spit and took a deep breath, ready to hear what the doctor had to say. “You have post-traumatic arthritis.” I took a moment for that to register in my brain.

“No, that can’t be right. Arthritis happens with old age. The previous doctor said it was something to with a ligament injury.”

“That injury is the reason. From your medical history, I see your injury was left untreated. Am I right?”

“For a while, yes because I don’t actually know when I hurt myself.”

“Well that injury is most likely the cause for your arthritis. You see, what happened is that your cartilage was damaged-“

“Is there a cure?” I asked, interrupting the doctor.

“There isn’t a complete cure that I know of. However there is treatment to help reduce the symptoms you’re suffering. I will prescribe you some painkillers. You’re going to be referred over to have some physiotherapy. Here is a brochure containing all the other ways to help with your arthritis such as shoe inserts or feet padding, etc. and other necessary information.” I just stared at the doctor and Safia took the brochure for me.

Safia did the rest of the talking for me during that appointment. As we walked out, I gripped Safia’s hand and without saying a word, I began walking towards home. Safia stopped me.

“Don’t you want to go to the pharmacy to get your medication?”

“It’s painkillers. We have plenty at home.” I said pulling her along.

Arthritis. I had thought of all sorts of problems I could have had but I really didn’t expect this. I contemplated about how it would affect me, how it would restrict how much I could walk or how fast I could walk. In my previous thoughts, I always believed it to be temporary. But it wasn’t temporary. This was now going to be a lifelong struggle.

“According to this brochure, gaining weight can make the pain worse.” Safia said. I think she was trying to make a joke and lighten up the mood a little.

“Great. Exercising would probably make my arthritis flare up. If I don’t do that, I’ll gain weight and that will make it worse too. It’s a lose lose situation.” I knew I was being irrational and exaggerating but I was irritated. Safia became quiet. “I thought you said everything was going to be okay.” I was clearly in a foul mood. Safia’s head hung low as we walked side by side. What upset me most is that I couldn’t be the person she wanted me to be. I knew Safia liked going on long walks with me. Now she couldn’t do that and it was all my fault.

We reached home and I let go of Safia’s hand to open the door. Once we were inside, Maryam came running down.

“What did the doctor say?” She asked.

“Get out the way,” I said.

“I see the old Yusuf’s back,” She said moving aside. I shot her a glare and pulled a puzzled looking Safia upstairs.

A Muslim's Romantic JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora