Chapter 1: My life

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From a young age I always wanted to be rich but had no idea what I wanted to be, so naturally I tried everything. I seemed to fit in everywhere but I didn't enjoy it. I would play any sport and be the best, I'd join any club and already be better at whatever we were doing. When I graduated from prep school I won every possible award: Best footballer, Best Soccer Player,Best Basketball Player, Best Tennis Player, Best Table Tennis Player,Best Hockey Player, Best Cricket Player, Fastest Person in School, Best Baseball Player, Best Volleyball Player, Best Golf Player, Best Dancer, Best Musician,Best Engineer, Future Leader, Perfect Attendance, Smartest Child in school, 1st place in grade, Prom king, longest penis (not official 'wink','wink'), Most Tech Savy,Most Popular, etc. The funny thing is I still had no idea what I wanted to be. I had some great ideas though, and every time I got one I'd jot it down in my journal (not diary). I made sure nobody knew about it, I'm not sure why maybe it's just a trust issue thing.

         Moving on,it was the middle of the night everyone was asleep I was busy sketching a skyscraper on my drawing desk. After sketching two more skyscrapers, I decided to eat an: orange, energy bar and drink some water. I then go in my favourite seat and watch my favourite movie, Scream. Eventually at 3 a.m I went to bed. At 5 a.m I wake up to my annoying alarm, I get up out of my bed go down stairs to make my breakfast, the usual: eggs,bacon, Oj, cereal, and Apple sufficed. I then go to my parent's room and say "Good Morning Guys". My dad responds with "Good morning superstar", and my mom basically answers in a paragraph "Good morning Gavin, did you pray before you left your room. Oh Jared's parents called and said he's coming for the sleepover tomorrow, just remember your hospitality. Also could you make me breakfast and hurry you might be late for school". I answered her by saying "Sure I'll make you breakfast, don't forget me and jared have soccer training and you need to pick us up tomorrow 3:30 pm, and yes I prayed this morning, Later". My parents then smile and share kiss, i took that as my cue to leave, so I go back to the kitchen and start making an omelet, pop tarts, pancakes and a fruitshake for my mom.

       Suddenly I feel a tug on my shirt I look down I see my three year old brother, "What is it Oshane?". He replied "Me want breakfast brother", the first thing I stated "It's 'I want breakfast', please say that". He then corrects himself "I want breakfast". I reply "Ok just go around the table I'll be there soon you can play or watch something on my tablet". He runs of shouting "Yaay!!", so I start on his: waffles, cereal, And Bacon, I then hear my phone beep and I checked it seeing 17 messages from five persons. I check the first one from Jared saying "Remember soccer trials tmw bro", "Oh and we're getting back our Math, Science, and History test papers", the next messages are from Stella "Hey babe", "Whatcha u doin?","Remember our lunch date today","Hey wat do u want for ur bday?","I can't wait for the sleepover tmw","I'm coming with Chelsea","Text me back wen u see this love u xoxo." The next message is from Dale "Yo trials tmw remember","Coach James said tmw he'll decide the team and captain","Clearly he's picking me, right?","Oh Ms.Tucker said we have a pop quiz today, I'm depending on you for the answers". After that I see Chelsea's message "Hey dude", "Student court is today so dress sharp","I'm bringing your gf with me tmw ok", the final message is from coach James "Tomorrow is trials son so bring your 'A' game".

            I respond to my girlfriend first "Hey babe love you, I'm coming to our date but won't be in class for fourth and fifth period, I have student court". I answer Jared next "Bring your stuff for the sleepover tmw we're leaving straight from trials, and dress sharp today's student court". I reply to Dale next "Gd luck at trials and you need to stop sleeping with teachers". I text Chelsea "Ok" and I finish by texting coach "Sir yes sir". I then finish up my brother and mother's breakfast. I give my brother his while he watches How to get away with murder on my tablet. I bring my mother breakfast in bed and head to the shower,took a quick shower put on a red and black jordan jacket, black jeans and red jordan's. I then grab some dog food go up on the third floor to feed my dog "Hey Thunder are you hungry?" He responds with "ruff, ruff ruff, rrrrruff", I poured some food in his bowl and got his water then I feed our two hamsters Jeannette and Leonard, our fishes Sheldon,Eli, Annalise, and Howard. Then to finish I fed my parrot Geoffrey, I wash my hands then go to the door tell my family goodbye and get on the school bus and heaf to the back seat. I started revising the periodic table and when I reach the 20th element I hear "Hello Gavin". I look up and respond "Hi Savannah how are you?", she replies "Same as always, why are studying the first semmester of High school isn't even close to finish yet". I tell her "I don't know I'm just always prepared". She then talks about herself until we arrive at school.

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