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Content Warning: this chapter deals with the theme of abortion.

You didn't really get a minute alone with the Prince. After an exhausting 19 hour flight, we reached Greece where the Prince and I travelled in separate cars to the palace. Eight guards followed the prince and two guards followed me. 

The drive was long and silent, my phone was useless and I didn't know when they would get me a new sim card. It wasn't like I had anyone to call. From behind Philip's limo, I could see the reporters who woke up at the sight of the prince, they took pictures asked him questions that I couldn't make out as their voices clashed into one another, each reporter screaming louder than the next. 

I never wanted to be famous, I never wanted to be a queen. A princess, yes, but those disney princesses not an actual responsible princess who owed her people. I was nervous, feet shaking kind of nervous. 

19 hours after a flight, a two hour drive to the palace, and nearly six hours spent with various people who groomed me, who put on make up for me and who stripped me naked and dressed me in a beautiful summery yellow dress. I was left outside a room. 

The doors were large and white, with rich dark blue outlining the door. The smell of sea was a constant fixture in the castle. The brunette female guard stood beside me. I wondered if she ever spoke. I'd barely heard her speak, she was the quiet stern type. 

I bit a perfectly glossed lip, I was tired, hungry but it was vital for me to meet the queen.

There was a lot I suspected Philip glossed over, a lot of information he didn't bother telling me. Now it was time to get the full story. All the answers I needed.

Like the big one.

Why couldn't I abort my child?

There were better allegiances to be made with a wedding rather than a wedding with a random irish girl.  So I waited, ignoring the growl of my stomach.

The large white doors opened, a well-dressed man stood there, casting an approving glance at me before he turned around, to the person in the room, he called out, "Alana Moses to see her royal highness, Queen of Greece, Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie, Wife of King Frederick IX."

I stood up, hesitantly trying to recall what one of the women who did my make-up told me, I should do. My posture was perfect as I walked into the Queen's room. The room was painted in off colour white, the walls were large with a huge light blue chandelier hanging above it, there was a rich blue carpet that ran from the door to the sea blue throne where a slightly plump woman with blonde hair and sharp blue eyes sat.

I took several steps till I was near the throne, I curtsied feeling a wave of awe as I looked at the blonde woman.

In that minute, I wanted to be her, to be as powerful as she.

"Rise, Alana Moses," She had a stronger accent than Philip.

I rose, not quite meeting her sharp eyes because I wasn't all that comfortable. I wondered if the same words that I thought of the minute I was pregnant ran through her head. I wondered if she thought I was a slut. 

A couple of one night stands.

A baby.

I wondered if she thought I was after Philip's money.

I needed to show her I wasn't.

"Your majesty," I mummered. 

"It is unfortunate we meet on such messy terms," The queen said. "To be a future bride of my son, Philip, it won't be easy." She continued. "But I understand, you will do your best and adapt to our customs."

"Your majesty, I do not want the child nor do I want to be wed to Prince Philip."

She raised a beautiful blonde brow, "why not?"

"The child is an accident, I do not want my future to be disturbed by it's birth."

There was silence in the large room, it felt uncomfortable. I was aware of the two guards dressed in all black by the door, the guns they would have in their pocket, would they shoot me down.

"No child is an accident," the Queen replied, slightly harsh, "Your future is secured because of it's existence. Is my son, not kind and just? Does he not treat you well? I can assure you, you will always be treated well, and if you live your life according to our laws you will have your respect. We will not let your child's name be tarnished by your misdeeds."

I wanted to sink into the ground, I wanted his mother to like me. There was silence, I wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Think about the unborn child in you," The Queen said finally, "do you want an innocent's blood on your hands?" 

I still stayed silent. 

"Our family cannot affect your choice but know that if the unborn child dies, you will have made an enemy out of Greece, you will be arrested for it's death. If you chose to let it live, you will become the best mother you can be to the countries next heir. You will live comfortably and happily, far richer than in your dreams. All your wants will be supplied."

"Thank you, your majesty." I replied, head tilted downwards, trying not to cry.

"Have you made your decision, Alana Moses?"

"I will keep the child." 

She smiled. "Lovely, We will talk later on how we will move on from here with Philip."

I curtsied and left. When I finally had time to eat, I ate alone, and then I was introduced to my chambers. It was as large as an apartment. It had everything from my own private kitchen to my own bedroom. There were mirrors everywhere, so everywhere I turned I caught a glimpse of the thick foundation that covered my freckles, the heavy mascara on my eyes, the gloss on my lips. 

I didn't look like who I was. Hell, I wasn't even sure who I was.

Royally ScrewedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora