Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Fuck, I thought as I paced around in the kitchen alone.

Alyssa was talking to Jeremy. What if he brings it up? What if he tells her?

I needed time to think.

I walked into the living room, only to find Lizzie and Ricky making out.


I tried not to make any sounds as I ninja'd my way past them, heading upstairs.

Alyssa was still talking to Jeremy in the room and Ella had fallen asleep in the room downstairs. Which only left the other room on the second floor, the one with a hammock.

I smirked to myself, walking into the room. The hammock was in the corner of the room, isolated away from everything else. It was pretty cool.

This was exactly what I needed. I sat on it and began to think.

The first thought was the day Alyssa's dad had kicked me out.

Junior year

I felt his fist make contact with my face.

"You're gonna stay away from my daughter, you delinquent."

I couldn't believe the man who had offered to take me in was, right now, punching the crap out of me.

"And if I don't?" I challenged.

It didn't matter what he did. I wasn't going to leave Alyssa. I loved her and he would have to deal with it.

Freaking old man.

He glared at me as if I was the most disgusting thing in the world.

"What do you want from her?" he question, leaning closer. "Want to break her heart, is that it? Want to use her until you get what you want and leave?"

It hurt to think he would even think that. I wouldn't have ever dreamed of doing that.

"I love her, Mr. Olsen. That's all."

That's when he punched me again, and before I could move, he grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against the wall.

"You don't love her, Dominic," he said, angrily. "I will not have my daughter date you, or even be your friend. You're going to stay away from her."

I looked him straight in the eyes. "No."

He let go of me and I thought he had given up. I thought he was going to drop it.

"You will if you want to keep your freedom."

His voice was creepy. I'd never heard it like this. And I didn't like it.


Was this old man threatening me? HA!

He turned around and he had a huge grin on his face.

"I could easily put you in jail," he said as if it was the simplest thing ever. "I could say I found you dealing drugs outside my house. I could have someone plant the evidence on you. It's easy," he said, shrugging.

"You wouldn't," I spat, stepping closer.

He just smirked.

"I would. For my daughter. You're lucky I don't get my shotgun out and kill you right here."

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