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DINOSAURS hold grudges. 

At least, that's the impression I get from the one running after us. We're darting through the jungle, pushing past dense foliage and praying that our lungs won't give out.

...that's my situation, anyway.

Zach is in the lead, long legs taking strides in what I hope is the right direction.

Gray is next, mop of curls bouncing as he sprints.

I'm last, pushing my skirt down and constantly checking over my shoulder.

If I'm being completely honest, I never dreamed that this would happen. Yes, I have heard stories about the original park, but I thought Jurassic World had secured those potential problems.

Then again, we were the ones who went into the restricted section. It's called 'restricted' for a reason. There's no one to blame but ourselves.

...but who would create carnivorous dinosaurs? Why would someone bring back to life a creature that could easily over-power humans and then eat them?

If something chases you, run.

Zach ducks beneath a low limb, then Gray, then me. The trees are gone now, giving way to an area of thick grass that reaches to the tops of my calves. The sun shines brilliantly here, no longer hiding among the leaves.

I risk a glance over my shoulder again to see the dinosaur emerging from the jungle, letting out a nauseating roar.

The sound of rushing water fills my ears. The ground beneath my feet goes from grassy to muddy, replacing the fresh chlorophyll stains on my white shoes with brown smudges.

Zach is slowing down, Gray following his lead. When I ease into a jog, I catch sight of a small river to my left. I'm not able to stare at it for too long; the area Zach is leading us into is very rocky and uneven. I have to watch where I step to make sure I don't slip and fall on the slippery stones.

The closer the dinosaur gets, the more the ground shakes.

When I finally catch up to the boys, I see they've stopped at the edge of a cliff. My heart, already beating hard, kicks into a whole new speed; it feels as though it might come out of my chest.

This is it. We've reached a dead end. There's nowhere left for us to go.

Then I notice the river from earlier leads here, suddenly cutting off at the edge.

Dread overtakes all my senses. This better not be what I think it is.

Nervously, I glance over the edge and confirm my suspicions.

It's a waterfall. It thunders far below, a pool of aquamarine and white beckoning to us in the sunlight.

The dinosaur is getting closer, creeping to the cliff. It has slowed slightly, like it knows that we have nowhere to go.

...well, that I have nowhere to go.

"We're going to have to jump," Zach tells Gray.

"Yeah, yeah, okay," he quickly agrees. Then he jumps, not thinking to wait for us.

"Gray!" Zach shouts. He watches his little brother plummet before the tiny speck becomes a splash. His eyes are still on the white ripples Gray left behind when he blindly reaches for my hand. "On the count of three, okay?"

My eyes fill with tears all over again. "I can't."

Zach whirls on me, brown eyes rabid. "You have to, Jonelle."

I'm shaking my head and backing away from the edge. "No, I can't. I can't." Fear rises in my throat, a palpable thing, gripping my neck in a tight vise and squeezing the air out.

"Yes you can!" Zach shouts. He's maybe three seconds away from completely losing it.

I try to tell him that I can't, but I've lost the ability to speak. I just shake my head firmly, wrapping my arms around my waist.

I can't jump. I can't throw myself over the edge of this cliff. I can't rely on a waterfall to save me from this dinosaur. If my choice of death is between getting eaten and drowning, I pick getting eaten. The dinosaur will take me in one bite. Drowning can last up to four minutes.

Zach looks at me ardently. I can almost hear the wheels turning in his head. "Do you trust me?"

I give him a pained look. "Zach, I can't get in the water. I can't do it."

"That's not what I asked," he yells. "Do you trust me?"

A tiny nod is enough of an answer for him. He grabs my arm, pulling me to him. To the edge. To the waterfall.

I start to fight against him, but he's too strong. I hit his chest and his arms come around me before he pushes off the edge, letting the air take us.


WHEN we hit the surface, Zach and I become separated. I'm surrounded by bubbles. Every way I turn, I see a wall of white.

Panicking, I push through the clouds, trying desperately to find my friends. My hand hits something hard, scraping my fingers. I know it cut my skin from the sharp stinging.

My head rockets up as I gasp for air, frantically paddling. It's hard to see; I realize I came up right in the middle of the waterfall. Coughing wildly, I push myself forward until I hit that same hard structure. My hands slide across it, trying to get a feel for it.


I try to find a good grip, hauling myself up.

I'm behind the waterfall now, sheltered from the sunlight and the vision of everything on the other side of the rushing wall of water. I let out a loud breath, scooting away from the water until my back knocks into the cliff.

I'm panting heavily, shaking hands pushing strands of wet hair off my face. I feel my fingers leave behind warm trails of blood and a faint whimper stirs in my throat.

I did it.

I sit very still on the dripping rocks, listening to the roar of the barrier in front of me and feeling the frantic thumping of my heart and the throbbing in my injured fingers.

I jumped. I swam. I got away. I survived. I didn't drown.

I surprise myself when I smile, letting out a light laugh as I lean my head back against the cliff. Relief floods through me, strong and refreshing.

Zach was right. I did it.

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