|Chapter 45|

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The car sped down the road and I could hear a slew of curses coming out of Cain's mouth as we made a sharp turn.

The man curses like a sailor.

"Jesus, Perry! No need to drive so fast!" He exclaimed. I stared out the windshield, my heart hammering in my chest.

He's been there the whole time. The entire time. What if I'm too late? What if he's already given in?

It's going to be okay, Zoey. Stop worrying. I couldn't help but scoff at Kade's words.

Stay out of my head, Kade. I'm fine.

A grunt sounded behind me and I shrugged my shoulders, sitting up in my seat.

"Pss. Hey." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It's just I like a wild goose chase even when the goose has been caught." My prescient whispered. I scoffed.

"Sure," I said. I could see Perry glance at me from the corner of his eye. I continued looking forward. The memory of them using me had me moving further towards the door.

"How about we put on a show for those two? Hmm? It would be fun." She said. She sounded like an excited child on Christmas morning.

"No." I gritted out.

"Why not? They think they can use me. Use us! That's not right. Do you think that's right?" I glanced at Cain through the rearview mirror and saw him looking at me. I glared at him.

"No. I don't." I said to myself.

"Who are you talking to, Zoey?" Kent asked. I looked ahead, sitting back in my seat.

"Come on. Let's have fun." I sighed.

"My prescient," I answered. Perry looked completely over at me.

"Really? What is it saying?" He asked. He sounded intrigued about my prescient and that infuriated me.

"I'm going to kill you all. One by one." I said calmly. Perry looked away and I could see him visibly pale.

"I'd like to see you try, Archer." Cain murmured. A dark chuckle rose out of me and it surprised me.

"You will. Trust me." She said through me.

The truck swerved into the hotel parking lot before I could apologize for her behavior. I sighed, pushing open the door.

"Here we go. I feel chills on my skin."

"Maybe that's because you feel it on my skin," I said. A hum sounded through my head.

"You're right."

I slung my bag on my back and coldness filled my body. My back tensed and I turned slowly, my eyes set on the hotel.

It was... silent.

No whispers. No doors slamming. It felt... cold. Empty of life. There was this strong feeling emitting from the building. One I couldn't put a name to. It shook me to my core and I stood straighter, determination flaring inside me.

"How are we doing this?" I whispered.

"You. Alone. No one else." She said. I looked at the guys and saw they were checking their guns and grabbing their things. I blew out a shaky breath.

"Alright people. This is how this is going to go. Everyone is going to stay out here while I go inside." They looked at me as if I had grown another head. I'm not surprised. I would have thought I did too if it wasn't for this thing in my mind.

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