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He almost had them. He was in the white suburban, but the driver, probably Mr. Holbrook, was too quick. They would slip up, and when they did, Ben vowed he’d be there to follow them. He was quickly becoming impatient. The longer Renee stayed with her husband, which made him want to punch a brick wall, the less she would belong to him. He needed to make Renee his own and soon. He feared she would never love him now. Redeeming their relationship was almost not possible now, but he’d give her one more chance. If she said yes, he would honestly not hurt her husband. He didn’t want to hurt her, and hurting her new spouse would do just that. But, if she said no, he’d not only pick off her pretty truck boy, he’d have to kill Renee. That thought made the bile rise in his throat, and he almost lost his pizza.

As he pulled into the mega store parking lot, he began adding to his plan. There were more people involved, and he was growing weary of the thought of killing every one of them. That would get messy. And messy body counts helped the police find the murderer faster. In order to evade police for another three years the count needed to remain low. He didn’t like the thought of killing women, but if they kept him from Renee, he was certain he’d do it.

It’s a small town. They’ll need things sooner or later. Chance found them once, luck found them a second time, and now fate would be the final judge, jury, and if necessary, even executioner.

. . . . .

Renee, though she was loving this time getting to know her husband, and enjoying the company of his team, especially getting to know the ladies, was getting a bit restless not being able to leave the confines of the safe house. She very much wanted to go do something fun for a change. Not that she was given to things like manicures, pedicures, and spa treatments, but she did like it now and again. She also liked shopping. Sometimes just for junk, or an outfit, other times for shoes, or just looking around at all the things a place had to offer. She even liked lumber and hardware stores. She was desperate.

Joe noticed her pacing and asked her, “What’s up, Renee?”

“I need to get out. I am going insane! I hate not being in the action. I’m a surge nurse, for Pete’s sake. I need to have something to do. And don’t say to take up knitting. I’m not that kind of chick! I need to take my gun to a range, or go horseback riding, or skydiving, or something!” She said, growing more frantic with every word to the point of almost yelling.

“Okay, okay. Calm down! We’ll figure something out soon. “

Adam came into the room, almost running. “What’s wrong?”

“It seems your bride has come down with a case of cabin fever. She’d like to go shoot a gun or ride a horse, but was adamant about NOT learning to knit!” Joe said with a cautiously teasing tone. “She’s not bored of you already, is she?” He tried joking with Adam to hopefully lighten the mood. It didn’t work.

“I hope not, or we’re going to have a tough life.” Adam said, walking over to the windows where Renee was standing. “Have you?” He asked with a mirthful tone.

She turned around. The intensity in her eyes told him this was not time for jokes. Instead of saying anything, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and he whispered in her ear something Joe couldn’t hear. He probably didn’t want to anyway. Adam smiled, picked his wife up and carried her back to their room.

Joe laughed, and though no one else had heard this exchange, he said out loud, “Problem solved. Good job, Hart. Good job!”

. . . . .

Joe went outside to allow them a little more privacy. They needed every moment alone together they could have. He had a feeling of trepidation that this was not going to last much longer. They’d outrun the guy twice already, but he was clever enough to wait them out. Will, Matt and Terry went to a different town nearby to gather more supplies, with Terry’s mission to find a couple new outfits for Renee, and matching ones for the detectives who would be her stand-in. That left Joe here to protect the honeymooners. Just as well because Terry and Matt might get all romantic and let their guard down. Now was not the time to slip up. Someone would get killed that way. Joe had pulled night guard last night, but had already finished his four hours of required sleep; a pattern he conditioned himself into during his years on Active Duty. He trusted Terry and Matt, but they’d been sweeter than usual since Adam and Renee’s wedding. Joe couldn’t lie to himself. If Cammie were here, he might be the same way.

At the thought of his estranged wife, a deep stirring built in his being. He should call her. As he was dialing, a car went past that he’d never seen before. The driver looked right at him as he slowed down. The stirring left as he hung up the phone, and unease took its place. A sense that made his hair stand on the back of his neck and a shiver down his spine weaved its way through his mind and lodged there. He reached for his gun but the car sped up and turned off the street before he could do anything more. He went inside, and found Adam and Renee having coffee and laughing.

Upon seeing Joe’s fallen countenance, Adam asked what was wrong.

Joe’s answer gave Renee pause. “He’s found us. He just drove past and slowed down and looked straight at me. I couldn’t get the gun out fast enough before he was gone. We’re going to have to put our heads together and come up with a plan, and soon. In fact, when the others return, which shouldn’t be too much longer, we’ll roundtable and brainstorm, okay? Don’t panic Renee. We’re going to soldier up and take him down.”

Instead of her Army HOOAH, Renee responded, loudly and with resolve: “OOOORAH!”

“That a girl!” Joe and Adam said at the same time, but Adam kissed the back of her neck. Joe just grinned, and walked to the living room, where he dialed Detective Billings.

After briefing the detective on what had just happened, the detective agreed it was time to act. “I’ll call Natasha and Amanda and find out if they’re ready. We’ll be in touch. If he comes before then, use any means necessary to protect yourselves. “

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now