'Y/n is a far weirder future maiden than today's maidens and that includes ms.lovett!' Sweeney thought (BYE SWEENETT!!! I NEVER LIKED YOU!!!!). He pondered on the fact of your personality; any nowadays maidens would have acted more scarcely in front of him but you didn't as much as he thought you should've. He was so deep into thought he was obviously staring at you.

"Um, Mr. Todd? Are you okay?" You ask him not expecting to get an answer but genuinely curious. " Also, should I continue to call you Mr. Todd, Sweeney, Sweeney Todd, or if I can call you Sweeney, can I call you Sweenerz? Or is that too far?" You rant.

"Whatever you wish, pet" he replies monotonly. Your eyes light up excitedly.

"OooOh, how about Useless Destroyer 7? Can I call you that? That is a great na--" He interrupted your next rant with an annoyed look so you stoped. " Alright then.. Sweenerz or Mr. Todd it is." You mutter and continue to clean.

"Am I allowed to socialize with other people outside the shop or not?" You ask. He shakes his head no. You head over and sit infront of his barber chair he's sitting in on the floor.

"If I'm not allowed to know anyone else in my entire life, can't I at least know you?" (OHHH WHATUP ONCE UPON A TIME REFERENCE!) "like before you were in prison or whatever"

He started talking and before they knew it he had explained his whole life to you and you loved every second of it. I want to believe he did too.

He paused after he finished and stared into your eyes for what seemed like forever.

"I'll- uh- get back to work" You stated breaking the gaze. This was going to be a long awkward time

Okay but like Sweenett bothers me so much like she LIED to him and I think it bothers me so much because I used to ship it before I watched the movie and only heard the soundtrack and didn't listen to the final song and then I finally did and it made me so mad I refuse to like swrenett

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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