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Ariana watched the color drain from Justin's face. Maybe it was selfish, but relief washed over her. He finally knew she hadn't abandoned him—at least not purposefully. But then pain, as sharp as broken glass, cut across his features, and her joy disintegrated. This wasn't over. Years of feeling betrayed wouldn't disappear because of one confession.

"Justin, I'd like to explain." Mom set the iced tea on a table and stood on the other side of the bed, wringing her hands.

When Justin nodded, his eyes looked dead, buffered against all emotion. "Fine."

Mom dropped her hands to her sides. "I'm only telling you this so you won't blame Ariana. I don't expect your forgiveness."

Justin's cheek tightened, and Ariana could practically hear him grinding his teeth.

Ariana hated conflict and she wanted to reach out to both of them—soothe Justin's anguish and calm her mom's regret—but this was between them. She could only stand there and hope that they would find some common ground.

Mom took a step closer so her legs were pressed against the mattress. "Ariana wrote to you every day for a while, then when she didn't get a response, she scaled back to a couple of letters a week. I pretended to mail them, but . . ." She broke off and turned pleading eyes on Ariana. "Instead, I dropped them in the dumpster behind Bob's market."

The betrayal stung, and Ariana bit her lip to keep quiet.

Justin stared straight ahead, his eyes fixed on a faded painting of men perched in a leafless tree gazing at a cityscape in the distance. The dark, muted colors and desolate scene spoke of loneliness and loss, making it an odd choice for a bedroom.

Mom kept talking. "After Ed passed away, one of my greatest fears was not being able to raise Ariana and Rainn on my own, provide for their needs, protect them from the world."

Raising her chin, Mom pressed on. "When the news reported that you pled guilty to killing Daniel, I knew keeping Ariana from you was one way I could keep her safe . . . something I could control." Determination flared from her gaze. "Justin, look at me."

He pushed himself up so he was sitting straighter and turned on her mom. When he spoke, it was with a quiet intensity that cut through Ariana's gut. "You guys were like my second family. My first in many ways."

"We did care about you," Mom insisted. "We still do . . . I just assumed your own family would help you through." She shook her head and swiped at her leaking eyes. "I never imagined they would desert you. I'm so sorry."

The set of Justin's jaw softened, and Ariana had to fold her hands together to keep from reaching out to him.

Mom moved the food tray and perched on the other side of the bed. "Justin, you saved both of my children today. Even risking your life . . ." Her face crumbled into a sob, but she pushed through it. "You risked . . . your life . . . to save Rainn. Why? Why . . . did you do that?"

There were several beats of silence before Justin said, "The night before Mr. Grande passed, I visited him at the hospital. He woke up for a few minutes and gripped my hand so hard, I thought for sure he'd had a miraculous recovery." A small smile ghosted across Justin's lips. "He said you were a strong woman but would sometimes need help. And then he asked me to watch out for you all after he was gone." Justin's throat contracted, and when he spoke again his voice was a low rumble. "I failed. But I'd like a second chance."

Mom reached out and took Justin's hand, offering him a watery smile. "Thank you for telling me that." Her gaze moved from Justin to Ariana and then back to the boy beside her. "This place is enormous. If you'd like to stay, I think we have a bedroom to spare."

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