Chapter Nine

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'You?!' I yelped in shock, to the collective amusement of everybody in the room. 'You're not even gay!'

Tristan raised one perfectly arched eyebrow. 'I'm not going to dignify that with a response,' he told me.

'You are gay?!'

'No,' he said, his voice sarcastic. 'I just sleep with guys recreationally.'

I suppose that explained why he and Maya weren't together. Aesthetically, they'd make a perfect couple, but- Oh my god, what am I waffling on about?! I have to sleep with Tristan Darlington!!!

Not that that's the greatest chore in the world.

I shifted uncomfortably, suddenly acutely aware of the fact that I was on the floor with Annabelle, and everyone else was literally looking down at me. I guess Tristan noticed this too and decided to take pity on me, because with one casual wave of his hand everyone suddenly had somewhere better to be, jumping to their feet and muttering unintelligible excuses for leaving the room.

I hoisted myself up on the couch a foot or two away from him and blinked at him dubiously.

'Don't worry Cody,' he said softly. 'As I've been saying all along, we're not doing it.'

'Oh,' I mumbled, looking down at me hands. Despite the somewhat unusual circumstances, the rejection still stung. I decided to steer the focus away from me. 'So Edwin didn't get his powers til he and Gregory...?'

Tristan grimaced at the thought of his dads sleeping together but nodded.

'And Edwin's the most powerful because...'

Tristan shrugged. 'There doesn't seem to be any identifiable reason for it. Nothing genetic or biological. But typically speaking, Virgins tend to end up the most powerful.' That's how he said it too, "Virgins", like it was capitalized.

'So, I'll be...?'

Tristan nodded. 'Sure. If you lose you virginity to someone like me, someone who was born with powers, then you'll be just as powerful as Edwin, after a little practice.'

I frowned. 'What if I sleep with a normal person? Or someone like me, another "Virgin" or whatever?'

Tristan's face twisted slightly, but I couldn't read the expression on it. Wishful thinking indicated jealousy, but obviously that wasn't it. 'Then you'll lose your powers completely.' He paused. 'It would be for the best.'

I was too overwhelmed to even argue with him this time. 'Why don't you want me to have powers?' I asked quietly. 'I mean, obviously I'm meant to. Why won't you let me have them?'

Uncharacteristically worried about his answer, Tristan bit his lip. 'I know this will be hard for you to understand,' he started, 'but if I'd been given the choice... I wouldn't have chosen this. If Kaley weren't so powerful, she wouldn't have been taken. I know having never had to deal with them you won't believe me, but they're more of a burden than a gift, Cody.'

I fiddled for a second before replying quietly. 'But what gives you the right to make that decision for me?'

Tristan laughed bitterly. 'Well seeing as I'd be the one inside you, I think I have some say in the matter.'

I burned red, but refused to be shamed out of arguing. 'It's not that big a deal,' I murmured. 'It's just sex.'

'No it's not, Cody,' Tristan said gently. 'Your entire life would be changed forever. For the first week you'd be volatile and vulnerable; you could be taken just like Kaley was. And once your powers are fully manifested...' He trailed off, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 'Well, to put it simply, you can't die.'

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