Chapter 5

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"You're not riding with me?" Avery questions me. I roll my eyes.

"No. I got freaking detention with Mr.Fisher." Her eyes widen like the full moon.

"The ruler slapper?!" I shake my head yes.

"Yeah. He's like the most strictest teacher here."

"How did you get detention anyway?" I walk out with Avery to the front doors of the school. I sigh out loud before answering.

"Damon." She gasps.

"Damon did this?!?! How?!?!" I look down at the ground in embarrassment. It's embarrassing how I got in trouble over a pencil.

"Well you gonna tell me or na?" I roll my eyes.

"Fine. He uh... stole my pencil in class so I pinched him and we started arguing about it."

"And don't you dare laugh. It was all his fault!" She wears a serious look on her face before she cracks a small smile before the whole laugh comes out. She bends over, hands on her knees laughing her ass off. I cross my arms with a glare on my face, noticing a few people staring at us.

"It's not funny!" I growl at her. She comes back up and wipes the tears that were on her face from laughing, chuckling a little.

"Yes it was honey. But really Jaz? A pencil?" Avery says a lot more calmer now. I look down at my phone and notice I have two minutes before detention. I need to go before I'm late.

"Whatever Avery. I gotta go. See ya later!" I yell running back down the hall.



I ball my hands into a fist in anger as another paper ball hits my head. Damon the Fucking Dumbass has been assaulting my head with paper balls for the past hour.

Thank God he's sitting from across the room, or I would've killed him already. He's just so irritating! Like why do all the hot guys have to be annoying?


Not like he's hot or anything, he's just... oh nevermind.

I look down at my phone to check the time.

Two more minutes until we leave.


I look down at the ground while rubbing my now paper cut cheek. There was a balled up piece of paper next to my shoe.

This asshole just won't stop.

I hear the paper and unravel it to see what he wrote.

Wow, you were dumb enough to actually think there was a note in here for you.

Ps. Stop staring at me, I know I'm hot already Love.

I roll my eyes at this. He can take his little conceited ass somewhere else. I take out my black sharpie and leave him a little note before throwing it back at him.

Oh no, I can't seem to find the fucks I give about this. 🤷🏾‍♀️🖕🏾

The bell goes off, finally releasing us from this prison they call detention. I stand up from my seat and head out to the front of the school. I start walking home by myself, humming a song called "Young, Dumb, And Broke". It's my new favorite song.

I walk past all these tall buildings, trees and bushes. A nice gentle breeze hitting my face. The sun starting to slowly set. It really was a beautiful day.


I get pushed against a random buildings wall by a really buff looking guy with a mask on. He holds a gun in his hand, while his other holds my neck. He wears all black, but I notice a dragon tattoo on his left wrist.

It's one of his people

You might think I'm scared right now. That I might probably scream out loud for help, but I can't. This has happened many times before. I know what I'm doing. I set the most deadliest glare on my face to look intimidating.

"Did he send one of you guys to find me and my family?"

"Shut up!" The guy pushes the gun more into my temple, slowly starting a headache from the pressure.

"You're coming with me. We have found you." I reach my knee up to hit his family jewels. While he groans in pain, I go and twist the arm that had the gun. He cries in pain when I hear a crack.

He falls to the ground with a thud, but gets up more quickly than I thought. He grabs my collar and punches me a few times before I kick him again.

He falls to the floor again in pain. I crawl on top of him and start punching his face a million times before he passes out on the ground. I let out a huff before crawling off of him.

I go to check his pockets to find a phone. Once I find it, I pit it on the ground and smash it with my shoe. I then return the guy and drag him to an alley so nothing looks suspicious.

I then notice some blood dripping from my face. I touch my face to realise I got a bloody nose and face. That's when all the pain kicks in. From the gash on my head, to my big toe he stepped on.

"Ugh God, why me?!" I cry out, frustrated. I reach for my bag the was on the ground to look for my phone, but notice a shadow in front of me. I slowly look up and see Damon looking at me with wide eyes. I quickly scramble up with wide eyes, clutching my phone so tightly.

Did he see everything? Oh God. Nobody was to know about this. My mother and the Robinsons and I were suppose to move to Florida with peace.

God help me.

His Possession✔  [BWWM+Completed] (Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now