Chapter 11

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°</ Vanoss's POV \>°

I took (y/n) in my arms, desperately thinking of what I should do. Her skin was cold to the touch and she was bleeding profusely.

"Don't do this to me. Please hold on. I don't want you to leave me. Because..." I trailed off, suddenly realizing why she had been on my mind all this time. I discovered what I wanted to tell her.

"Because I love you," I whispered as I pressed my cheek to her forehead.

I timidly ran over to the factory, checking to see if Phoenix had been defeated yet. I could no longer hear gunshots from inside the factory, so I figured they had finished.

"Vanoss!" I heard some of the guys frantically calling for me. They must've not realized I went outside.

"Guys I need help," I ran in, walking over dead Phoenix members.

"What happened?" Nogla worriedly asked as he saw me holding a bleeding, unconscious (y/n).

"She was stabbed in the arm, and then shot in the leg," I said as I found a place to lay her down on the ground.

"We need to get her to a hospital," Lui commented while looking down at her.

"I want to stop the bleeding first," I replied. Panda and Ohm rushed to the cars to look for something we could use. They had found a first aid kit under the backseat in one of the cars.

"Thanks," I told Panda as he handed the first aid kit to me. I did what I could with the limited supplies I had. I took off the bulletproof vest and also grabbed the pocket knives and gun that she had on her.

"I'll take her to the hospital, you guys go back to the apartment," I said as I picked her back up in my arms. They reluctantly nodded, and dispersed to go back home.

Mini followed me to the last remaining car. I didn't know he was still there until he opened the door for me.

"Why are you still-"

"Let me go with you," he interrupted me. I sighed, knowing that the other two cars had already left so I had no other choice.

"Why do you want to go with us?" I asked curiously.

"You think you're the only one worried about (y/n)?" he asked a rhetorical question that left me feeling guilty for pushing the other members away. I didn't realize that they were just as worried as I was. I let out another sigh.

"Your persistence is admirable and also annoying," I chuckled as I set (y/n) down in the backseat and buckled the seatbelt.


We admitted (y/n) in the hospital and she was sent off to have immediate surgery. Mini and I sat impatiently in the waiting room, so nervous we were both sweating.

After half an hour of waiting in dead silence, the door to the waiting room opened and Wildcat came in, accompanied by the rest of the gang. My eyes widened as they all piled in the fairly small room.

"How long has she been in surgery?" Moo asked.

"Thirty minutes. I know you guys are worried, but did you all really have to come?" I questioned.

"We wanted to be here when she woke up," Nogla pouted.

"Plus, we're all in this together," Nanners commented.

(*High School Musical music plays in the distance*)

I said nothing more and sat quietly as everyone else socialized, attempting to do so quietly but not really successful in remaining silent. I couldn't bring myself to do anything but worry and think about (y/n).

As I sat there, I tossed and turned questions in my head that I still had. I wasn't sure how I was going to tell her how I felt. All I knew is that I needed to tell her before she left. I wasn't going to hold off and later regret it.

The waiting room swung open once more, but this time it was the doctor that took (y/n) to perform the surgery. I stood up from my chair as soon as I recognized him.

"Is she okay?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous. He quietly nodded before replying.

"She should be fine. We will keep her overnight to keep an eye on her. You can go in and visit her. Although..." he trailed off, looking at the huge crowd, "Maybe not all of you at once should be in there. It's a small room."

The doctor let out a chuckle and left the room.

"We can go ahead and go home. We will see her tomorrow," Wildcat smiled and left the room, followed by everyone else.

"Give her a hug for me!" Nogla said and waved goodbye as he left

"Me too!" Moo added.

"And me!" Basically also added.

Once they had all left the room, I went in to see her. I couldn't stand not being able to see her, and it was hard trying to keep myself from sprinting into the room.

She was sound asleep when I entered the room. Her skin seemed lighter and she looked a little green. I held her hand and her skin was cold as I held it tight. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall adjacent to her bed, and it read 7:24 pm.

I decided I should stay overnight with her. I texted Wildcat to let him know, and I made myself comfortable on the leather armchair in the corner next to her bed.

"Goodnight," I whispered as I began to fall asleep.

(VanossxReader) Keep Your Guard Up °Complete°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz