Chapter 2

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Adam's POV
I hated travelling into the network. At first, you feel like your body is just dissolving but it doesn't hurt, just makes you really dizzy, and then it feels like your body is wrapped in lead, anchoring you down as you reform.

It didn't feel too great. And the welcoming party wasn't too nice either.

As soon as I felt my body form, I heard Ty call out and I felt something sweep under my feet, making me hit the ground with a yelp.

I got to my feet with a groan and looked around as a cruel laugh echoed through the area.

The mainframe looked much like the real world. It was almost like a second, multicoloured layer of our own world. The walls and floor were black with small green numbers running across them every so often, where the decks and computers were were now small orbs of light green light that didn't glow very brightly, green codes going along inside it as well. Files.Though several of the files were now bright red or lay in tatters of red coding on the ground. The result of a virus.

Ty was on the other side of the room and tried to run over to me, but a bright red flash of light raced past him one of the small tendrils coming off it catching Ty's legs and sending him flying into one of the walls. It bent back slightly, flashing with green coding as it repaired itself and Ty got up with a growl of annoyance.

"Well, what do we have here?" The same voice that was laughing asked with glee. "Two glitches getting their noses where they don't belong!"

The voice seemed to be coming from the bright red light which stopped at the door to where the hallway in the real world would be and took shape.

Soon, a boy with dark brown hair and thick black glasses stood in its place. He wore a red and grey checked flannel shirt over a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans and grey runners. Beneath his glasses, his eyes could be seen, which glowed a bright red and were filled with dark red coding.

A virus. A worm to be precise.

Keeping my eyes on the virus, I drew my sword and glared at him. Ty did the same and growled, "Where're your buddies?"

The worm smirked and called out, "Hey Gizzy! Look who's come to try and spoil our fun!"

For a moment, nothing happened until one of the orbs of red light behind Ty began to glow and Jason yelled into our earpieces, "Ty! Hit the deck!"

Not hesitating, Ty threw himself to the floor as the orb shattered and another streak of red light shot out of it, going straight through the space Ty's head would have been and stopping next to the first virus.

"Aww... Almost blew his brains out..." The second worm whined as it took shape. This one had black hair in dreadlocks and bright red, code-filled eyes. He wore a plain grey t-shirt, a light grey hoodie over the top and darker grey jeans with checkered sneakers.

Both did look human but that was where the similarities ended. These two wouldn't hesitate to kill in cold blood. All that left was the Trojan horse, which could be anywhere... Yippee.

The first one smirked at us "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get another chance. These two don't seem like much trouble."

"You wanna bet?" Ty growled, raising his sword.

As Ty and the virus spoke, well, threatened each other, I slowly began to tap on my microphone to spell out a phrase: 'Fix the firewall'

"Way ahead of you," Jason spoke back calmly. If the firewall is repaired, then it'll keep the viruses inside the server until they're dealt with.

The second virus, Gizzy, smirked at Ty as he pulled out a red dagger "Nothing to bet. All that's gonna happen is we kill you. Nothing too hard."

At that, the virus lashed out at Ty, dissolving into coding slightly until only the human outline remained. Ty sidestepped the virus and hissed in pain as the dagger sliced across his arm and left a large cut spilling with small green coding.

System Failure (An Adesa Fanfic) [Originally by Littlewolf65]Where stories live. Discover now