Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Zayd's P.O.V.

I was sitting at the corner of the hall, holding Aliza's diary.
It felt heavy on my hands, it felt as if a huge burden is on me.

I felt the front cover, each word bringing back memories of Aliza.
Her smile, her infectious laugh, her twinkling brown eyes.
Everything about her came rushing.

I opened the first page, skipping the introduction of herself with the name, where she is from to her date of birth and all that we normally wrote at the starting of every personal diary.

I read the first paragraph of her story, her reason for writing this diary.

Dear diary,

Its strange for a girl who sucks in writing has thought of finally writing a diary.
But the reason is so important that I can change my way of living for it.

It's my sister.
The reason is my sister.
I need to find her.
After my father's death, i saw this diary of his which had the information about my mum and Anya.
Although it did had the information that my mum, she died after giving birth to Anya and instead my aunt took the responsibility of taking care of Anya.

Ok, although this was something I already knew so I skipped a few more pages and finally reached on the page that Arjun was talking about.

I think I have fallen in love.
But... i can't be with him.
Cause what my dad did to their family, his dad would never accept me.
I didn't know what my dad did until one day I met Zayd's dad in the market and i guess he realised who I'm am by my looks which were an exact replica of my mum.
Knowing he is Zayd's dad, I excitedly greeted him.
But when he didn't greet me back, I went towards him.
I guess it was the worst question ever asked to him.
I asked," oh so this is what your religion teaches you?"
He eyed me and replied," just like your mum huh?"
Smiling I asked," so you know my mum?"
"Now now! Why would i forget her?"
I raised my left eye-brow and he continued,"i will never be able to forget her after what she did to me and my family. "
"Oh!what did she do?"
"She stole my sister's husband! " He stated.
My eyes widened..
My mum? She stole? That too someone's husband?
I couldn't believe what he said, so i left from that place.
Plus, I didn't come to this country to fall in love.
I came In search of my sister.
And through Arjun I thought I would be able to get closer to Anya.
But, not knowing that I was hurting Zayd by being with Arjun.
I thought Arjun was much better than what he is in college.
Instead, he proved me wrong by bullying Zayd.
I didn't know that Zayd was ever bullied until I heard Arjun talking to his group of friends about it.
I knew that Zayd was bullied because of me.
Hence i decided on one decision.

Is doing suicide, killing myself.
That would be best for Arjun, for Zayd, for Zayd's family, for Anya and for me also.

She is so stupid! Allah! That was the reason she did suicide?
That reason itself it's lame.
Why would she think my family won't accept her?
It wasn't her fault at what happened to my family yeah?
My family would never had rejected her only if she had told me.
But.. my dad did reject Anya despite knowing i love her.

I stood up, I need to do something about it.
I need to tell Anya how i feel for her.
But first i need to know how she feels for me.
I rushed towards the room where Aisha was getting ready.

On the way I saw Anya falling, I hurriedly caught her,she had closed her eyes out of fear of falling I guess, but when she opened them... it was like our eyes were participating in a staring contest.
She in my arms, Allah! I so missed doing it. Holding her in my arms.
Lying next to her, I missed all this.

She stood up and moved a little away from me and muttered,"thank-you."
Why is she going far from me?
I moved a little closer to her.

I then held her hand in mine and spoke,"you are always welcome plus am just fulfilling the promise I made."

She made a questionable facial expression and asked," promise?"
I nodded saying," i promised you that I'll always catch you whenever you fall."

It was the day when we first started fake-dating .

She removed her hand from my grip and said bitterly," now i relieve you of that promise. You don't have to catch me whole your life."

But why? It's not that i wanted to get relief from that promise instead i wanted to hold onto that promise whole my life.

I looked at her intensifying gaze.
"What's wrong?" I then went closer bringing her, our faces closer and spoke," you know I can kiss you again yeah?"

I so wanted to kiss her.
She challengingly looked in my eyes and said,"oh yeah? Let's see."
A smile appeared on my lips, she very well know me and i said,"dont make me kiss you. You'll end up falling."
"Oh! I thought you'll be there to catch me." She answered.
My smile reduced a little  and i said," you just relieved me of that promise."
"I guess too bad for me then, yeah?" She asked.
I squinted my eyes and asked," How?"

What did she meant by that sentence does that mean she loves me too?
I have to take a chance.
She gulped and spoke,"cause I have already fallen."

My smile disappeared and i moved backwards a little cause i thought maybe i was dreaming but after seeing her was confirmed and I said," Then bind me in that promise again."

If she loves me then I want to fulfil that promise forever,  till death.

I then said," cause i don't want you to fall alone, I want to catch you first and then fall with you again."

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