✎sixteenth period.

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Hi, my safe Haven. I know you're confused and mad right now and I'm sorry I had to leave you the way I did. You know me, it's hard for me to talk about serious things face to face. So this letter, Haven, will give you the explanation that you deserve, even though I didn't deserve you.

But first, I'm so sorry, my love. Don't blame yourself for this because trust me, you're all I have and I wouldn't dare leave you without a reason.

God, this hurts. I love you so much, my safe Haven, with everything that I am. I want you to know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it all the way here and I would've never experienced happiness.

Thank you, Haven, for being there for me and for being you. You are such a beautiful person, so don't you ever forget that.

Now, I'm not going to be around anymore, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy. I have so many regrets in life, Haven, but being with you was never one of them.

But not marrying you when I had the chance is my biggest regret and always will be. So please, Haven, don't waste your life away like I did, you're too good of a person for that.

I'm going to tell you why I left now, Haven, but I want you to be strong about it.

She took a sharp intake of breath before nodding. She could be strong. But not for her, for him.

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