chapter fortyseven

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Frick was waiting for him when they docked. He was clearly upset and for once was being silent.

"Godrick, Kar, see to your reports first thing. I will see you both after you have gotten some rest."

"Yes, my future king."

Kar bowed then filed past with Godrick.

"You cannot still be upset with me. It was a most uneventful trip. You should thank me for letting you sit this one out."

"Why did you do it? Because I am on that stupid list?"

"Of course not." He did not need Dezrick to remind him he was needed right away in the throne room, but the computer did it anyhow.

"Any other time you would have taken me."

"True but things are not the way they once were. I needed to think, and I could not have done that if I was worried about Jessalynn. If anything had gone wrong, I needed to know that you would be here protecting what means most to me. Is that alright?"

His friend grunted. "Like I can say no to that. You know they are fit to be tied, right?"

"I do."

"They are saying that you left before they could forbid you not to go. And that you would not allow communication so that they could order you back."

"True. I needed space from them as well."

"It is highly unlike you. Once upon a time you never did anything displeasing to your elders. They are very worried about you."

That was not unknown to him. They had extra meetings every day just so they could tell him how worried they were. "Are you worried about me?"

"They asked me the same thing. I told them that you are my future king. I will worry when you tell me to worry."

"Thank you. What is your answer if it is your friend asking the question?"

"I am not worried. Just the opposite actually. I like it here. I like these humans. Your human."

"How is she?"

"Not good. This thing tonight has her all tied in knots."

He had been feeling her unease all day and it was growing stronger with each passing minute. "Should I go to her?"

"My advice is to get this meeting over with so you can make sure to not be late. I would also advise you to not mention that if this is upsetting than maybe she should not do it. She did not take kindly to this."

"Her right hand? About thirty minutes ago?"

"Yes. I took her to the infirmary to make sure. Nothing broken."


"Stomach. The girl has no skill."

Kellum smiled. "A most unroyal thought."

"So, it is. You might want to think about giving up on hand-to-hand combat and find a different form of protection for her."

"Good suggestion. I agree. You are how I solved it for now."

"Thanks a lot. May I make another suggestion?"

"If it pleases you."

"Learn to live with the asshole. He is a______."

"Deal breaker. Yes, I know."

"I was going to say wimp. I saw her hit him on three separate occasions and every time she caught him unaware and managed to hurt him. It was most embarrassing. Anyone who Jessalynn can get the best of should be put down."

Pleasant thought. He sighed when he realized how unroyal his own thoughts were. He would never wish for something that would cause his mate pain.

"I will see you tonight."

Frick grinned. "She begged me not to show up. Begged me to make sure that you are not there."

"Why is she doing something that is causing her such distress?"

"Hell, if I know. She is your woman."

Yes, she was, and his advisors were getting one hour to rant and rave and not one moment longer. They better appreciate it too. It was not easy to not go directly to her.

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