Chapter 12

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So, like, I kind of forgot this story. I've been working on my Naruto fanfiction lol.

If you want a brief judge of my character, I am literally Circe with a huge dollop of Snow. 

A selfish braniac who loves specific people but doesn't like strangers. :))))))))

At least my mummy loves me. 


Being berated by Professor Malin was in no senses, a favourite past time of mine. Especially when he assigned extra homework since I had missed a session the week before. 

It wasn't easy, and I had a feeling Malin was both pushing and punishing me. To be honest, it was great, my mind was a bit muddled over being not-friends with Barnabas, but still going to get ice-cream. Which was my idea. 

"You're not focusing Circe. Concentrate, or I'm not tutoring you for another two weeks." Malin reprimanded, snapping me out of my stupor. He pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling sharply. 

"You've been off your game for a little while now- and usually I would let you off for it. But now, it's being going on for too long. What's going on?"

He sat down in front of me, pulling the books out of my hands and placing the pen on the table. And there was an earnestness in his face that pulled me- he cared more for me than my parents did. 


I shook my head. "My emotions shouldn't get involved with my work. Let's get back to the questions." 

"No. I've been tutoring you long enough to...hold some sort of affection for you, and I know you're...deprived of that, so just tell me enough to stop my old man mind from imagining the worst." 

I frowned even though my heart warmed, steepling my fingers in front of me. The world was too kind to me sometimes. "Ever since you told me about not being happy with what I have, I've been in a sort of struggle about what I want." 

I gestured to the room around me, then to my chest. "I want to be fulfilled and challenged- and I know the only way to do that is to leave this town. But I also want to stick it to my parents and show them that people don't conform because of wealthiness." 

I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face and meeting Malin's concerned eyes. "But most of all, I know I'm not happy. I'm not happy here, even though I have so much to be thankful for. And it might be selfish- I never said I wasn't- but I'm really not happy here. " 

I looked out the window. Everything was in a jumble, and the only thing that made sense was maths. The only thing that always made sense was maths. 

Malin cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. "You're obviously meant for more than this town, girl. And that point  you want to make to your parents?" Malin shook his head, closing the book in front of me. "It's pure pettiness. And you're more than insulting, trivial emotions and actions Circe. You need to do and be more than this place. And the best way to start that, is by showing your parents what you can do and what you deserve." 

He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "But you're a teenager, and are entitled to sorts of emotions. I just hope you do what makes you happy." 

Malin was more than just maths-smarts. He was right, in every way. I just didn't know if I could let that pettiness go, that long held resentment go. 

But Malin wasn't asking me to let go of it. He was asking me to do what was the best for me. 

And the best for me was to...

"Thank you Malin. I need to go." I gathered my books and patted him on the shoulder before hurrying out of the class, grinning back at Malin who had a so-close smile on his face. He knew what I was going to do, he knew where I wanted to go- he just didn't know how I would go about it in certain senses.

The drive to my parent's work was a long one, and I saw Sheriff Dumas on the way, giving a ticket to some poor chump who had mistaken Barnabas's dad for someone who actually gave a fuck for the reasons behind your speeding. 

I gave him a wave then continued on, sorting through things in my head as my decision became more final, became more real. 

Some things would have to be sacrificed. 

Some things would have to be worked hard for. 

But that idea of my future, the brightness at which I wanted it to be was shining through, making me willing to do what I needed to. Willing to be the person I had the potential to be- with or without anyone standing by me. 

Apart from Professor Malin of course. 

Pulling up to the law firm, I stepped out of my car and walked into the building with my bag of books and theorem practice, face set into one of...expectant determination. 

I had been ready a long time ago to show them what I was really made for, what I really wanted to do. 

But I would only tell them after I had what I wanted- one last time. 

The secretary grinned at me, doing our usual finger guns greeting before buzzing me in. Carlisle was waiting for me when I stepped into his mahogany domain, brow raised. 

Exhaling, I looked him straight in the eye, a yin to my yang.

"I want to be emancipated." 


Soz short chapter, but need to do it. 

Iss goin down. 

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