Chapter 89: Nobody Repents

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Whatever the reasoning for this madness, she has to get through this. At least that was what Seiren told herself, focusing on the face of Zor Jarsdel in her mind's eye as she followed Kommora Haigh, weaving through the destroyed buildings. Benover was a mess. The protective shield her mother wielded had fallen, probably from Rowan, Ashworth, and Portendorfer's combined efforts. Stray magic and artillery pelted the area, throwing clouds of dust and hurling rubble and shards of glass onto the ground, although most of the monsters she'd created remained on the city peripheries. The sickening, suffocating scent of smoke and death reeked, making her eyes water and breathing difficult.

Seiren touched the base of her throat. How she missed Madeleine. There was so much going on it was impossible to make sense of what was happening. But Kommora promised to get her to Jarsdel. That was all that mattered.

Kommora took her down a side street and suddenly the imposing view of the imperial palace disappeared behind brick walls.

"We're not going to the palace?" Seiren said.

"Apparently not." Kommora frowned, the rune still glowing in her hand. There was no light trail from it. The design was more complicated than the ones Seiren worked with. "It's heading to the complex beneath the outside palace."


Kommora grimaced, descending the stone steps. The wall above them blew out. They crouched, covering their heads. Dust and chunks of rock rained on them. The vibrations from the impact made Seiren's teeth rattle.

"It's in case Benover ever got invaded and the king can escape. The layout is top secret, but it shouldn't be anything my trackers can't solve." Kommora straightened. Her lips curled. "There was a lot of investment against foreign invasion but not much magical defence. The king's mages' confidence in their ability is their downfall."

"How do you know all this?"

Kommora gave her a lazy flick of the eye. "I designed the bloody thing, Nithercott. At least, until your mother took over. The national security system, the borders at Acrise and Ebbsfleet, the mages tracking system -- they were all my creations. That mage's tattoo on your shoulder? I made it."

Seiren touched her shoulder subconsciously.

"But that means the king's mages know exactly where we all are."

"You give me too much credit. All the mages are here already. You missed the summons, what with being arrested for treason and all your jaunts."

"Every mage is in Benover?" Seiren's mouth ran dry. Maura had mentioned this. Pollin tried to fry us all. "But why?"

"Urgent summons. Karis Bonneville tried to incinerate everyone. They want to add to the death toll."

"But they can't do chaos magic."

"No, but they can do organic."

Seiren stared.

"It doesn't get taught any more beyond 'it's dangerous and forbidden', but organic magic is catalysed by life and death, just like chaos magic. It was partly for this reason Pollin banned it shortly after Harred created it."

"My mother created organic magic?"

"Looks like you still have a lot to learn."

"But -- organic magic killed Loren." Her breath hitched in her throat. Kommora stiffened ever so slightly. "I was there. She--"

"It's horrific magic. It severs the magic from the soul, even those who cannot wield magic. The soul becomes unstable and disintegrates slowly and painfully, and then the body follows hours after."

Rune Mage [Fantasy/Adventure | Book 1 +2 | Complete]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum