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Three Months Later;

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Three Months Later;

"Have you ever dated?" Corey groaned, facing Klaus. "Why are we even talking about this? We're about to kill two human girls just to find a werewolf!" Corey exclaimed.

"It's just a question, mate" Corey grew angry. "My love life is none of your business" He snapped. Klaus sighed, he hadn't been able to get Corey to fully trust him all summer. They had a few moments where Klaus thought that Corey would finally be coming around but it was quickly demolished. Klaus sighed as they approached the house.

They ended up scaring the woman. "I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you" Klaus faked an american accent. "Can I help you two?" She looked clearly disinterested despite how attractive the two were.

"Yeah, my car hmm, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh I feel like we've been walking forever, your house is the first we came to so I was just hoping I could use your phone?" Klaus asked as nicely as he could ever pretend to be.

"Don't either of you have a cellphone?" The woman was very wary. Klaus pulled out his and showed her that it was dead.

"I'm so sorry about bugging you Miss, but my older brother and I went out for bonding and if I'm not home by morning my parents will freak out. Is it alright if one of us could use a phone to call a tow truck?" Corey asked in the cutest voice possible.

"Yes of course, come on in" She sent Corey a flirty look and Klaus wanted to rip her head off for looking at his son like that.

"Corey, go to the car. Stefan and I will take it from here" Not wanting to challenge the one man who was a bit more powerful than himself, Corey walked over to their car that was actually working. Corey felt a bit sleepy and decided to sleep off his sadness. He couldn't stop missing everyone back home. The only thing that kept him going was Stefan. Without him, Corey would be completely destroyed.


Corey was tasked to distract Ray the werewolf because apparently he was adorable enough to distract anyone. "I would like a coke please" He smiled at the bartender who got it for him.

"You look a bit too young to be in a bar" Ray said as Corey sat down. "I'm just stopping to get something to drink and relax. I'm on a roadtrip with my father and brother" Corey told the werewolf.

"Where are they? Shouldn't they be with you?" As Ray said this, Klaus walked over. "Of course I am. Ray, Ray Sutton?" Ray looked confused. "Who wants to know?" Klaus smirked.

"We've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you" Corey shuttered as he remembered all the deaths that he had seen the whole time he was forced to be with Klaus. Ray tried to get up and leave but Corey stoped him.

"Not so fast, mate. You only just got here, now your type are very hard to come by" Ray turned the other way to find Stefan also blocking him from leaving. "I wouldn't do that" Ray was now pushed into a corner.

"Vampires" Ray muttered. "You're swifty swift Ray! Yes! My friend here is a vampire. He compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help. My son and I however, we're something else, a different kind of monster. We've got some vampire, we've got some wolf, my son's got some witchy magic" Ray looked completely lost.

"A what?" Corey groaned in annoyance, he didn't like that Klaus always had to be dramatic. "A hybrid and tribrid Ray, I'm both, Corey's all three. You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them Ray?" Klaus interogated.

"You can't compel me, it won't work" Klaus smirked. Stefan compelled the bar tender to get darts. "Tell you what Ray, We're gonna play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane" Stefan told him as he pulled out wolfsbane.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun Ray" Corey dreded this part, torturing innocent people, the one difference he had with both of his parents.


Ray was channed to the wall and had the wolfbane darts on him as Stefan kept throwing them at Ray as if he was actually the dartboard. "Corey, wanna turn?" Corey shook his head.

"Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon" Stefan tried to negotiate.

"I can't" Ray managed to spit out. "I know, I know. You live by code and all that, but see he's not gonna let me stop until you tell me. And I do whatever he says so, that's the way it goes around here" Stefan added. As Corey and Stefan overheard that Damon was tracking them, Corey went to the bar and ordered a water knowing it was going to be a long day.


As Klaus snapped Ray's neck, Stefan had finally returned. "You're back" Stefan raised an eyebrow.

"Did you doubt me?" Corey rolled his eyes as he knew why Klaus had let him go. "Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life" Klaus observed. Stefan tried to deny it, but was cut off.

"You put on a good show Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go".


Corey took his phone out and looked at the old pictures of him with Elena. It would have been Elena's birthday. The doppelganger had a huge life ahead of her. She always talked to Corey about being a doctor and helping people like her father; which Corey admired. He would've done the same if his parents weren't mass murders.

"Corey?" He hadn't noticed he was crying until he heard Klaus call his name. "Are you-" Corey cut him off. "I'm fine" Klaus noticed what he was looking at. "I-I'm sorry" Both knew it was a huge lie, but Klaus was trying to be a good parent as best as he could.

"I apprechiate you trying to act like a father, but you killed my best friend and today would've been her birthday-" Corey stobbed as he felt a sob come out. Stefan(who had been upset too) hugged Corey leaving Klaus extremely jealous.

That will be him someday, he would wait however long he needed. He had been searching for Corey forever, and had eternity to make everything up to him.

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