A Game

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C H A P T E R  F I V E

*||Kaine's POV||*

Lovely, not only am I stuck at school because of the huge storm outside but to make it worse, it's after host club hours. Haruhi was lucky enough to head home before the storm began but, sadly, I'm stuck with the rest of the host club. Here I am enjoying the sounds of pitter patter of rain droplets against the window and I'm suddenly pulled away behind the sound of doors closing.

"I know your secret"

Fear runs down my spine but I don't react, "I'm not quite sure what you mean, Tamaki."

"I think you know exactly what I mean." He coos as he walks closer to me until he's a few inches away from my ear. "You changed your rank."

I sigh in relief." I can neither comfirm nor deny that accusation."

"Oh come on my little darling! You can tell daddy anything! I won't judge you! I think its sweet! Who knew you had a soft side?" He flaunts around me, causing a headache.

I stay neutral "Why would you say that?" And he stops in his tracks. His tone suddenly changed.

"You care, dont you?"

"And who are you insinuating that I care about?" I throw a question at him. He simply chuckles.

"We both know who I'm talking about. Besides you're smarter than me so you can probably assume where this conversation is going." Before I could answer, I noticed the aroma in the room. It's not just us two.

"This conversation is pointless. I care for no one. Now if you'll excuse me, I have yet to check if my ride will come soon." I exclaim.

"There's no point. This storm won't pass any time soon, according to the forecast." Kyoya says as he walks out from where he stood. I hear the creak of doors opening.

"Are you saying that we're stuck in here?" The twins ask.

"YAY! SLEEPOVER WITH THE HOST CLUB!" Honey sempai cheers.

"Honey- sempai, please keep it down" I hush.

"Sorry Kai-chan" he pouts. I rub his head and turn to Kyoya's direction.

"You're not serious, are you?" I ask.

"I dont see another alternative. We'll have to make do. It's not like we dont have the supplies for the night. We'll be fine, unless there's something we should know." He persists.

I hesitate for a moment "No. Im fine." I face away from him and walk towards the window.

"Then we should be fine" I can practically hear his smile as he walks off writing in his journal.

*|| Kyoya's POV ||*

Didn't seem to react in the dark room

Could tell I was there somehow

Sensitive to sound

Seems nervous when around us

Suddenly a clap of thunder was heard and the lights went out. The only light there was, was from our windows.

"Well great. Now we can barely see." Hikaru groans while he leans on Kaoru.

"Oh no. What a nightmare." Kaine says rather bitterly. No doubt it captured everyone's attention inculding myself.

"What's with the attitude, Kaine?" Kaoru asks. Mori sempai simply puts a hand on her shoulder and her attitude changes.

I dont like that.

Dead Eyes (Kyoya X OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora