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adrians pov

'wait tomorrow' i said and he looked at me

'why is that a problem' he said

'no I'm happy'  said and kissed his cheek

'so where will we be going' i asked

'we will be gone for the whole week you like camping' he asked

'i love to camp' i saiid and he smiled even wider

'i knew it, we are made for each other' he said

'so when are we leaving' i asked

'tomorrow morning at 11' he said and leaned in but his phone cut him off

He walked to the bed and sat himself on there and sat me on his lap and answered the phone call

'hey...wait she aint coming....if this bitch comes i am not going.....she aint even apart of the family....but she's MY girlfriend and that bitch isn't......fine but if she causes trouble I'm leaving.....bye' Aiden said and hung up looking pissed

'yo what happened' i asked

'My parents invited my ex' he said

'Wait who's your ex and why' i said

'My ex her name was leah this was way before I was a player i was young and didn't know shit about that hoe,  after I fell i love with her she broke it off with me and then left the country and now she's back with her family and my parents wanted her to feel ''welcome'' he said putting quotation marks around welcome and i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek

'Even my brothers hate her' he said

'Wait you have brothers' i asked and he nodded

'Yep ones 12 ones 21 and the others 19' he said

'Wow' i said and he looked at me

'Hey I've only got eyes for you and a 12 year old ain't doing shit' i said and he laughed

'That's why I love you' he said

'Hey i got a question' he asked

'Shoot' i said

'Ok say if your a guy and a girl comes up to you and says men are dogs what would you say' he asked

'Yo why' i  asked

'Just answer' he said

'Ok I'll be like dogs are loyal if you treat em right' i said and he pulled me off his lap and i was in his arms on my bed

'Good night baby girl' he said

'Night prince' i said and sleep overcome me

Tomorrow morning

I woke up due to someone softly shaking me

'Babe wake up' i hear someone softly say and I fluttered my eyes open and saw Aiden

'Hey babe' i said

'Wake up your meeting my parents one of your guards got our bags ready for camping' he said and i got up

'Ok i picked out an outfit for you its in the bathroom hurry we have about 40 minutes' he said and i groaned and walked to the bathroom and quickly took a shower and i brushed my teeth

I saw on the counter he put a grey shirt with a jacket and some black jeans with some timberlands

I put on my outfit and tied my hair up in a ponytail and put on a cap

I walked out and saw Aiden sitting on my bed and when he saw me his mouth opened

'Dang girl you look peng' he said and i laughed

'Come on let's go' i said and he took my hand and we ran downstairs and i saw the guys sitting on the couch

'See ya next week sis' jax said and i hugged everyone including John and i walked out

'BYE' i hear everyone shout

'See ya' i shouted back and aiden opened the passenger seat for me and i sat in and he sat in and drove off

'The drives about 40 minutes to the camp side' he said and i nodded and we drove off

'Hey you said your ex's gonna be there right' i said

'Yeah why' he said

'Ok we will do what ever we do so stay normal when we get there and see what this bith tries to do during the day light and when it hits night time we will put itching powder or some shit in her clothes' i said and he smirked

'Where are we gonna get itching powder or things like that' he asked

'Walmart (asda) is gonna come up in a few minutes park there and get what ever we can find' i said and he nodded

About a few minutes later he parked at Walmart and we got out and went to to a section and found itching powder, eggs, fish, and some spray paint

'Get it all' i said and we checked out and went back to as the car and we he drove off

We were pulling up to the camp sight and i got an idea in my mind

'Yo aiden' i said

'Yo' he said

'When I went camping when was younger with my grandad he told me to stay away from this plant and if you touch it or it interacts with skin it gives a huge rash' i said

'Poison ivy'  he said

'Yes if we find that we can put it on that bitch she will have a rash and won't have a cure' i said

'But we might leave' he said

'So what we can always go back just the two of us' i said and he smiled

'Well than there she is' he said and i looked at her

'She looks like fucking Brittany' i spat

'I know right what was with my taste years ago' he said

'I dont know but this just got a whole lot better' i said

'How' he asked

'Look at her this bitch is wearing Luis vuitton and expensive shit to go camping, if she's got clothes on her right now her suitecase would be better' i said and he smirked devishly

This is gonna be fun.....

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