My Confession

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Disclaimer: Victorious and it's characters belong to its original owners. No money is being made from this story.

A/N This is my first story here in Wattpad! Hopefully you like it and take a minute to review.

It's been 2 months since Jade and I started our relationship. It took so much time, fighting and so many tears until Jade became my friend and one day finally accepted her feelings for me and asked me to be her girlfriend.

Now, I'm the happiest girl in the world, Jade is incredible and we really love each other.

I would like to be with her more, to share her with my family, to show her off, because I am proud of her and that's what everyone that's straight does when they are in a relationship. Why not me?

I see my cousins come home with their girlfriends or boyfriends and they are welcomed, they laugh with my parents, they sit at our table, they hold hands in front of everyone and I… I hide; I hide Jade!

I hate feeling like this. I walk on eggshells every time my Mom is around and Jade calls, because I have to be careful with what I say. No baby, love, princess, beautiful or any other nicknames Jade lets me call her when we are alone. No 'I love you' when we say goodbye. I hate doing this!

If only I knew they are going to accept me, but who knows. I've heard stories about kids being thrown out of their houses. What would be my future if that happened? I would lose my family and I can't bear the thought of ever existing without them around.

But I have heard them taking about Gay people and how it's wrong.

I'm just so unsure they will love me if I come out to them but living this way it's becoming unbearable.

My mood has changed so much, so have my grades. My relationship is there but I see how Jade looks at me every time my parents are around and I don't want her to think I'm embarrassed of us, of her.

This is who I am, and I'm not going to change.

Maybe everything would be easier if I didn't have to tell them personally, maybe if I write them a letter I can explain to them how I truly feel. I mean I can't face them, I can't just tell them, what if they don't want to accept it? What if they hate me? What if they… don't ever want me around anymore? I can't take that as my last memory of them.

I'll write a letter and let it do the work for me, maybe like that they will have some time to think before I have to face them.

2 hours later

It wasn't an easy letter to write. I made so many drafts, but it's finally finished. I write it by hand because I don't want it to be a cold letter; I want them to know it's me who is behind it, to feel me in it.

I put the letter in an envelope and leave it on the table with 'Mom & Dad' written on the front, the table where I know they will have breakfast soon and then I leave the house, it's very early. Jade is right outside to take me to school, I haven't told her what I did, just to pick me up early, I don't want her to talk me out of it.

The letter

Dear Mom and Dad,

I know this may come as a surprise, but I have something to say to you that I've been holding back for 17 years.

Well, I'm Gay… yes, Gay as in Lesbian.


I know is not funny and it must come as a confusing statement from someone you thought you really knew well.

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