Chapter Twenty Seven: Missing Something Important

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I was sitting on a railing when I remembered something I had forgotten my armor at the gas station. I quickly teleported there using the tech they put in my suit when I got it. Once there I saw both the reds and the blues I was shocked but I quickly grabbed my armor I sighed happily it was safe I stored it with the rest of my stuff then returned to my spot. Suddenly I got a transition from Felix, hey Gabriel come in? over. "This is Gabriel, Felix. Reading loud and clear over." "Perfect. Anyways, Locus and I managed to get the locals that killed all of your friends inside one building. Surprise! I gasped in shock realizing what they were up to, Hey kid, Can you hear me? Did you die from excitement? Hello?" Felix tried then Locus said, "Gabriel answer now! "Sorry. I must- I guess I didn't hear you." "I told you he blacked out from excitement." I heard Felix say. I frowned asking them, "Are you two together?" "You're seriously asking that now?" Felix asked annoyed I silently laughed then told them, "That's not what I meant but thanks for settling a bet. I meant your radio's are echoing." "What bet?" Felix asked as Locus told him to shut up. I answered Felix question by saying, "Let's just say Siris owes me two hundred grand." "Two hundred? No way!" Felix said surprised then Locus said annoyed, We're nearby each other. We'll see you soon." "Okay." I told them signing off hopefully I can break this up before it gets bad. I heard a gunshot then saw them, I started thinking on what to do. Now, I had plan I teleported to their coordinates but I saw Felix shooting at Carolina. "Crap." I muttered I quickly ran looking for the others. I now found them but they didn't see me. So I stayed quite until they came out I shot at the soldiers as I did I said, "Hey guys, missed me?" "Nemo? What are you doing here?" "Less talking more fighting!" I shouted, "Nice." I told Lopez as he shot a few guys with a rocket luncher then started shooting again. I frowned at Felix but laughed at Tucker's insult toward him, It was true. I rolled my eyes as he kept going on. "Tucker!" I cried his name when he got stabbed but the reds held me back when I got out of their grip I ran infront of Tucker then said, "Try better at lying assholes!" "Gabriel!" Felix said in surprise as Locus added, "He knows." Then Felix shot at me, as I fell to the ground while watching them leave I heard my friends shouting my name repeatedly I managed to weakly smile at them before everything faded into darkness.

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