Four: The Keeper

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This is so damn beautiful! I might even make this the cover of the story.


Reina didn't know how long she was locked up in here, but she did know that she was starving. What kind of Alpha didn't feed his Luna? A bat shit crazy one like Zeron.

She paced around, trying to figure out if she should be doing anything. It had been hours since he came to her room. Her legs were growing tired, but she didn't stop to sit or go back to bed. Doing that would remind her of the things that happened when he came in, and she didn't want to think about him.

She groaned. She was unintentionally thinking about him. She was trying to think of not thinking about him, which meant she was still thinking about him. Okay, that didn't make any sense but whatever. The bottom line was, she couldn't get him out of her head.

She could still see him vividly in all of his wrath. She didn't doubt everyone found him terrifying. Just the sight of him made her heart hammer with fear for her life. He was corded in thick muscles. His skin was dark gold, a shade of tan that gleamed warmly in the fire. But he was marked everywhere. Thick, carnal tattoos covered his arms and skull. She already knew beneath his shirt he was probably covered in more of them. It made him appear more primal and animalistic, and very very terrifying.

And how did he get that scar on his face? Why didn't it heal? Werewolves healed at alarmingly fast rates, but that scar looked like it had burned into his skin, marred permanent.

Well, wicked things happened to wicked people. Maybe he was so wicked that even his own skin refused to cooperate. She started to giggle. Looked like he got under his own skin.

She heard heavy sounds of feet beating against the ground and she immediately straightened up. She tried to feel for the essence this time, and was relieved to find that Zeron wasn't there. But there were two presences instead of one.

She stood right in front of the doors as they creaked open with a hard thrust. Then she saw two males enter her room. The one in front looked pleasant, almost relaxed, as he smiled at her. The one behind him, Reina couldn't see well, and she didn't think she wanted to. His form was brutish, and although not as horrifying as the Alpha's, she didn't think she wanted to come near any unapproachable males for some time.

"Hi there," the first male spoke. "I'm Raymond. I'm the Beta and the Alpha's younger brother."

Interesting. He didn't look anything like his brother. She could see the darker skin and maybe the sloping nose and prominent jaw, but that was where the resemblance ended. "I'm Reina," she said with a smile. It didn't hurt to be nice. She needed friends in here. Allies.

He chuckled. "Oh I know. You're the Luna. He's told me all about you."

Did he now? She raised a brow. "What kind of things did he say about me?" Probably that she was a crazy bitch.

"Don't be afraid," said Raymond. There was an amused glint to his dark eyes. "I'm sort of impressed, actually. You're from the Death Pack. I've never seen them up close before. Is it true that your Alpha uses dark magic?"

"Yup," she said proudly. "My brother can destroy anyone in his path."

Now his brows shot up. "The Death Alpha is your brother?"

"Of course, silly." She proudly crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm the third strongest female in the Death Pack. I come from Alpha blood just as much as you and your brother do."

"Wow," he said, and she thought he was almost impressed. "I underestimated you."

She chuckled darkly. "Never underestimate me." Then she took a step forward. Now that he knew that she was at least a little more formidable than a helpless damsel, he would know to at least take her seriously. "Anyway, how long is your Alpha planning to keep me locked up in here? I'm starving for fuck's sake. I want some meat and I want some ale. You can't starve your Luna."

"Of course not," Raymond replied. "That's why I brought Bertha up here to tend to you." He turned to the side and gave a nod to step forward. Then he looked at Reina with a large smile. "Luna, meet Bertha. She is the castle keeper."

"Wait a damn second, Bertha? As in she's female?" Reina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She never saw muscles like that on a female before, and she had been with a good number of female warriors during her life. None of them were this bulky like a male warrior. Maybe it was because of the armor.

"Is there a problem with the way I look?" came Betha's deep voice.

Oh my hell, oh my hell. Reina took a deep breath, keeping her gaze fixed on the form right behind Raymond. "Of course not. I couldn't care less as to how any of you look." Don't judge, Reina. Don't judge a book by its cover, the pages are better. The pages are wayyyy better. Yes, that's right. Good pages. Good book.

Raymond started to laugh. "I guess I can leave good 'ole Birdie with you for the rest of the day. I'll come back and check on you after dinner to see to your health. We always examine the health of everyone's souls here. I'm looking forward to meeting your soul." And then he left the room, closing the door behind him smoothly.

Reina still stared at Bertha. Damn, she admired those muscles. Like, could she have some? She needed a hell lot of more to fight with their Alpha. "Um, so it's nice to meet you."

Bertha stared at her darkly as she slowly approached her. Her breathing was heavy, and Reina found herself backing away.

Don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't judge a book by it's cover--

"Take off your clothes," Bertha said. That was where her motto to never judge ended. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she barked, her thick fingers wrapping around her arm as she dragged her to the bathroom. "Take off your clothes. I'm giving you a bath."

"Oh hell no. Nope. Not happening." Reina jerked her hand away. "There is absolutely no way you're seeing me naked. Get out!"

Bertha looked like she was going to smack her. "The Alpha instructed me to bathe you. So I will give you a bath."

"Well the Alpha can fuck off because I can bathe myself!" What the hell? Since when did she need to be bathed? It never happened before and it sure as hell wasn't happening now. And not with this beast of a female named Bertha.

"You won't?" Bertha threatened.

Reina glared at her. "No."

Reina guessed that was the last straw for Bertha because that woman came barrelling toward her without warning and ripped the front of her robe until her breasts spilled out. And that was when Reina lost it. She went ballistic as she let out a roar and slammed into Bertha.

This was going to get bad. Like really bad. 

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