Chapter 20

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Elenor's PoV:

"How many were injured," I ask them.

"Only like 18, and that's including deaths," the second in command tells me.

"Okay, take care of your wounded. I must head back home; it's nearly 1 in the morning," I tell them.

"Okay, I will follow you in my car with the girl and boy," he tells me. I just nod and get in my car.

"Hey, I know you are mad, but I need you to make sure Alex's mom is there with you guys. I need her to look or two people for me," I tell Jem through mind-link.

"Oh, I'm not mad, I know sometimes you need your space. I can't say the same about your mate, though. He looks like he is ready to chain you up and never let you out his sight," she tells me.

Great I have to deal with that. I end my conversation with Jem and focus on driving.

After a while, we arrive at the house. As soon as we park the cars, all of them come out of the house. I ignore them and walk to the other vehicle to help with the girl.

"You get him I will try to get her," I tell Mick.

"Okay, you sure you got her," he says, laughing when I struggle a little to get her.

"Shut up and walk," I tell him.

We walk past everyone, and I try to avoid making eye contact with any of them. Josh and Caleb come up to me and take the girl away from me and carry her inside. We put them on a couch and allow Mrs. King to check them to make sure they are okay.

"What happened to them," she asks us.

"My people tranquilized them to get them out of there. The witch didn't put up a fight though she let us tranquilize her," Mick tells her.

"Marcela," we hear Jane's voice behind us. She runs to her and looks at us as if asking what happened.

"Don't worry, child my sister heals fast she will be okay," we hear a new voice in the room.

"Hey asshole ever heard of a door," Jem tells him.

"Yes, but considering I'm me, you should know I don't use them," he says, giving Jem a smug smile. She just growls at him.

"So Elenor, I tell you to stay clear of them till all of you are ready to fight them. What do you do call your hunter buddies and go on a killing rampage," he tells me, giving me a stern look.

"You know a thank you for saving your sister would be much more suitable than you lecturing me," I tell him.

"Yeah, well, next time you do something as stupid as this, I will turn you into a rat and lock you in a cage," he says, laughing evilly.

"You should do that maybe that will teacher not to do something like this again," Jem tells him.

"You would suffer the same punishment as her for not stopping her from doing something stupid," he tells Jem, who just mean mugs him.

"Okay, enough chit chat what happened and why did you lie to me," Alex says looking like his wolf is about to take over.

I walk up to him, and he automatically pulls me closer to him. He sniffs my neck to try and calm down his wolf. After he gets a little calmer, I pull him to one of the couches and sit down, and everyone else follows suit.

"Okay, so when Jane told us her story, I recognized the name of the witch she was talking about. You know the friend that gave us the big chest," I say, and they all nod.

"Well, that is him," I say and point at him.

"Magnus is the lovely name," Magnus finally introduces himself.

"Well, I remember he told us he had a sister that had gone missing. I remembered her name from all the stories that Magnus told us. I had to take the risk and hope that it was the same person. So, I contacted Mick, who is the leader of an elite hunters' team," I say, and all the guys growl at him. Mick doesn't back away though he is used to this. He is used to being seen as one of the bad guys. We despise hunters because of the things some of them do to us.

"Okay enough, Mick's team only hunts rouges who hurt people. They would never hurt a wolf that hasn't committed a crime. He as also provided protection for Jem and me when we have needed it. So stop with your growling. He is like a brother to us. His team is on our side, don't worry. So anyway, we got together and formed a plan and got both Magnus sister and the Alpha's son." I tell them.

"Well, I have to head back. Got to make sure my team got home safe and that our wounded are being taken care of," Mick says.

I nod and get up to walk him out, but Alex doesn't allow me to get up. So, I motion for Jem to walk him out, knowing Alex isn't letting me go anytime soon.

"Okay, where do we put the Alpha's son; we can't just let him run around free. He might try to escape," Caleb says.

"Magnus, can you put a spell on him so he can't communicate with his pack and they can't track him please. Also you can take your sister with you, but I will need to speak to her once she regains her strength," I tell him, and he gets to work.

When he is done, we say our goodbyes, and he leaves with his sister. I tell the guys to take the boy to a room but to make sure that he is tied to the bed. After we are done making sure he can't get away, we each go to our rooms.

"I'm sorry I worried you. I just didn't want all of you to go with me incase this went wrong," I tell Alex as we lay in bed. He had his arms around me, and his head was on my chest.

He moves his head to my neck and places little kisses on my mark. Then he whispers, 'It's okay' in my ear. We stay like that for a while until I yawn and he moves us to a more comfortable position.

"Goodnight, my love," he says to me.

"Goodnight," I say, tired and ready to get some rest.


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