xi. Howling Ghosts

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♡ Odette's POV ♡

My nerves were starting to get the best of me as I saw the hundreds of people sitting in white chairs. The scene reminded me of a wedding almost, just no justice of the peace and altar at the end of the walkway in front of everyone. Instead, a huge stage rested, four thrones placed there. I was notified that that was where the current ruling Maliks would sit, Zayn's family would stand around them.

We all lined up in order, first the King and his queen, then Delia's brothers, then Zayn's mother and father, Doniya, then Zayn and I , then Zayn's two younger sisters. We would all walk down the dark red carpet leading to the stage, then take our places and wait for Delia to come out. She would take her spot center stage, be crowned by her father, then turn to face her subjects, make a small speech, and that was it. I was hoping it wouldn't take long.

Trumpets announced our arrival, and all the men and women who had come to witness the coronation stood from their seats in respect. I took a deep breath as everyone moved forward, hooking my hand into the crook of Zayn's arm, letting him lead me to the stage.

I heard several murmurs from the crowd wondering who I was, but I kept my head high and ignored them. I would make them remember my name, no matter what. The Carlton family would be praised for raising such a wonderful daughter, not shamed for raising a coward.

It was silent and sort of awkward as we stepped onto the stage, my hands shaking slightly as I stared at all the people watching us. I gripped my hands together tightly, I had to keep my stage-fright to a minimum here. I could survive this, I was okay. I followed everything Miss Rita had told me, curtsying to everyone in time with the Maliks before taking my place next to Zayn.

I noticed Ivy was present at the ceremony as well, standing on the ground close to the side of the stage. She was an advisor, not a direct royal, so I guess she wasn't allowed to stand with us on the stage. I felt bad for her, but my pity vanished as I saw her catch me staring, offering a small smile to me before returning to her previous stoic expression.

As the trumpets finished playing the anthem of the Empire, the queen and her two sons sat down in perfect time in their thrones, but the King kept standing for his speech.

The king, Zayn's uncle, took his time saying a speech he had personally written, praising Delia and remarking on how wonderful of a queen she would be for the Malik Empire. It was touching, just hearing the love a father gave to his daughter, even in royalty.

He finished his speech rather quickly, probably wanting to give Delia her spotlight as long as she could.

"And now, I present to you, her royal highness, crown princess Delia Isabel Malik." the king spoke, raising his hand for the crowd to stand. I couldn't see Delia appear at first, but as soon as I did, my breath was taken away.

She was beautiful, a golden, shimmering gown accentuating her figure and making her glow. Her hair had been curled in ringlets that cascaded down her back and shoulder. Her princess tiara looked freshly polished and cleaned, as it gleamed in the sunlight. The biggest smile was on her face, her hands carefully folded together as she walked up to the stage.

The ceremony was really starting to remind me of a wedding now, only it wasn't a groom Delia was acquiring when she got to the stage. It was a country.

She slowly walked up the stage steps, offering me a small smile as she passed me on the way to her father. I couldn't help but smile at her, she was practically glowing with happiness and pride. She faintly reminded me of an angel, in glittering gold with a sparkling crown and bubbly mood.

I watched as she curtsied to the crowd before kneeling in front of her father, her large ball gown extending all around her. A servant brought forward a fancier tiara that rested on a velvet pillow, almost like a cartoon. Delia's eyes were closed as her father picked her princess tiara off her head, setting it down on the pillow before taking the one made for her to be a queen in his hands.

Impeccable (Zayn Malik AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora