New Experiences

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When they reach Agent Smith's home Xia did something she has never done before she straightens up onto her tippy toes to kiss Agent Smith's cheek but he turns his head and her lips end up pressing against his she jumps back quickly in surprise and he reaches over gripping the back of her neck tenderly he pulls her back up for another kiss this one lingers sensually, soft and warm captivating her when he pulled away she leaned in for more even though they were both out of breath she flattened her feet and held onto his arms to steady herself for the kiss.... her first kiss.... made her dizzy she smiles then teases "that was your fault!.... I was aiming for your cheek!.... I.... I figured it was something "normal" that people do after a date so.....!"  she walks inside and he follows still in a daze.... "Smith....!"  Xia starts in a soft tone he gently grabs her arm and spins her toward him at first her eyes widen in fear then they soften as he leans in for another kiss and she says softly "I've never done this before.... any of it!"  he kisses her softly "I've never felt this way before.... about anybody!"  she continues he kisses her again "it's okay to touch me Smith.... I won't break!"  she whispers into his ear "I...!"  he replies his hands leave her arms and float up and down in the air still near her arm as though unsure of where to go then says quickly "I have a meeting...."  he notices the sadness in her eyes..... no.... he didn't want to see that! he didn't want to be the cause of her sadness.... anger.... heartbreak..... he continues "but I will return.... shortly"  he kisses her lips one more time.... they last thing he saw was her lift her fingers to her lips and touches them softly then smiles as he leaves....

Xia sits on the couch staring into space thinking about Agent Smiths surprisingly soft luscious lips on hers... she also noticed a change in her "system" so to speak.... kissing him made her be closer to him.... want MORE of him, to be a PART of him.... like her mother and father were to one another but different her "mate"/husband was to be a forever type of thing she knew that! but was she ready to COMMIT to it?!.... to HIM.... yes.... she thinks she is!.... but is he going to be willing to be that way with her?!.... have her be his only.... his LIFE mate if you will.... be together with her forever! no matter what!.... no she didn't think he would.... it's quite possible that he was like the rest.... he DID pay for her services after all even if it was just the one time.... who's to say he wouldn't do it again in the near future?!.... as long as it wasn't against her only true friend.... against Neo.... she might just agree to such terms she hoped she was wrong she hoped that he is different.... if not.... her first kiss.... the one.... many.... she ALLOWED.... meant nothing! and she WANTS them to mean SOMETHING!! she couldn't just sit there in wallowing in her thoughts so she takes a walk....

As Agent Smith had his meeting with Mr Reagan his mind kept going back to Xia to the kiss the cloud-like feeling and sweet taste of her lips as he watched the disgusting human eat his "juicy" steak.... "do we have a deal.... Mr Reagan?"  he asks he was barely listening to the man as he spoke just watched him "you know.... I know this steak doesn't exist I know that when I put it in my mouth.... the Matrix is telling my brain that it is.... juicy.... and delicious after 9 years you know what I've realize?"  Reagan says then takes a bite of the piece of steak that he cut as he talked and sighs "ignorance is bliss"  Agent Smith replies "then we have a deal"  Reagan nods with a few small shakes of his head chewing his piece of steak like a cow chews it's cud and lifting his glass of wine "I don't want to remember nothing, nothing you understand?"  he says then takes a sniff of his wine like the wine taste testers do before they drink and continues "and I want to be rich you know.... someone important.... like a actor"  in Agent Smith's head he can see Xia scoff and roll her eyes in disgust at this man though he doesn't understand why he can see her so clearly while picturing her doing so nor does he care he almost smiles at the thought as he answers "whatever you want.... Mr Reagan"

As Xia walks the streets she can picture Agent Smith sitting at the table staring at a man with a goatee chewing on one lowly piece of steak for what seems like forever she can feel his disgust for the man though she can't hear the conversation itself she can see the motions that Agent Smith is making with his thumbs and intertwined fingers his facial expressions everything she knows where he is for she has been there with her father a few times so she heads in that direction.....

".... I'll get you what you want"  Reagan says "access codes to the Zion mainframe"  Agent Smith replies "no I told you I don't know them"  Reagan says lighting up his cigar Agent Smith lowers his head then Reagan says "I can get you the man who does"  to which Agent Smith replies "Morpheus"  at that moment he feels a soft loving hand slide down his chest and both of the men look up at her Agent Smith's eyes widen startled "I might like to remember her though!"  Reagan says with a raised eyebrow Agent Smith's eyes dart at him then soften as he looks back up at "Xia!"  he whispers softly "sorry.... I couldn't wait.... my mind was distracting me with certain thoughts!"  she says he smiles at her as he stands up then replies "that's alright... the meeting is over anyway..... shall I walk you home?!"  he reaches a hand out for her and she takes it "you mean to YOUR home Agent Smith!"  she teases and he smiles at her then they walk out leaving Reagan watching them with his jaw dropped as low as it can go....

When Agent Smith and Xia reach his front door she turned to look him in the eyes and says softly "if we.... we will be connected!.... bound together for the rest of our lives!.... like wolves.... coyotes.... bald and golden eagles.... condors.... swans.... red-tailed hawks... ospreys.... black vultures.... well you get the idea!" she smiles and he chuckles then says "no.... I am uncertain why you chose those specific animals!"  she replies "supposedly they are animals that mate for life!"  his eyebrow raises she says "you must have felt it!.... the connection!.... and that was just from a kiss!.... if we go further!.... if we decide to....! you have been the only one I can think about since I met you!.... but now all I can wonder is..... do you want what I want!?!.... what I have wanted since I first saw you!.... looked into your shades.... then your eyes!"  she smiles as she gently takes them off his face once more and he smiles back then he kisses her then says softly "yes!"  he kisses her again then says with a breathless tone "I want.... that.... and more..... so much more!"  he kisses her once more and this time he doesn't stop till she lifts her hand and carefully takes out his earpiece he tilts his head curiously at her she stands up on her tippy toes and places her forehead up against his and whispers "this is just for you and me alone.... no one else!.... especially not them!"  she kisses his lips with a sensual hunger his hands move all over her body up and down hip to breasts and she softly moans at his tender touch.... at the sound of her moans he becomes desperate to feel more of her bare skin instead of fabric so he begins to gently remove her clothes hurriedly with untrained hands....

Xia starts to remove Agent Smith's suit starting with his jacket then his shirt her fingers worked just as awkwardly as his did while doing so since she has never gone this far with anyone before.... she smiles as she grabs then pulls his tie so that his body is now pressed against hers the weight of his body and how quickly it moved toward her came as a surprise to her and she stumbled and walked quickly backwards her back presses up against the living room window.... good thing the curtains were closed or the neighbors would be getting quite a show.... Agent Smith smiles at her thought and she laughs softly his tongue slid inside her mouth and moved around playing with hers they moan in harmony as their hands slide all around their now exposed skin both experiencing something new and intoxicating they both didn't want the experience to end but it had to just not tonight tonight it was just them tomorrow.... Agent Smith was going to get something else he wanted but he wanted her more but he still wasn't going to stop doing what he was doing he wanted to be free.... not of her.... but of the chains that bind him.... free to be with her.... forever

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