In the Rain

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  Ah spring time; a time where the snow has finally melted and the weather becomes warmer. A time where the winter coats shed off and the colorful clothes begin to come out. It was honestly a beautiful day. The sky was relevantly clear with minor amounts of white fluffy clouds scattered here and there. This made it the perfect day for the cul-de-sac to host their annual spring party. Yes a spring party hosted by the kids of the cul-de-sac and the kids only. It was quite an interesting plan no doubt. The parents of the cul-de-sac get's to enjoy the day inside relaxing with their significant other or some would enjoy their own gathering with the other parents and have a good time while the kids would enjoy the beautiful day outside.

For you, it was rather nerve wracking. You hadn't met all of the kids and teenagers of the cul-de-sac, let alone utter a word to them, but you have seen some of them around the high school. You watched from your window and took in the sight down below. At one house, you saw the star quarterback, whom you learned went by the name of Kevin, grilling meat on a red grill and putting the finished product on the table that looked rather organized. He wasn't alone for Naz was there sitting across the table and having what looked like an enjoyable conversation. Close by you saw Sarah and Jimmy relaxing on a picnic blanket on their lush green lawn. With their sunglasses and hats, Jimmy wearing a fedora and Sarah wearing a large floppy sun hat, they held their drinks up together and leaned closer, smiling at the camera of their latest smartphone and taking pictures. The others, were just simply enjoying the music that came from the garage of a tanned teenager that had a...a wooden plank in his hand.

Finally your eyes landed on the troublesome three working on, probably, a new scam. It was a classic scam, a lemonade stand, but understandable on why they would use such a simplistic idea during a party. Everyone does eventually get thirsty. It was a typical scene for the trio, Eddy watching and bossing around as Edd and Ed worked on building the stand. Your (e/c) orbs finally landed on the boy with the black jacket and a beanie, watching as he finally stood up from hunching over and wiping the sweat of his forehead. You could tell that he was rather annoyed with this laboring scam but sighed and shook his head. Not long he had turned around and his steely gaze met yours. A blush crept onto your (s/c) cheeks, causing a devilishly handsome smirk to grow on his face. He tilted his head back slightly, beckoning for you to come down. You're heart began to race as you did a once over the cul-de-sac. Could you really handle it?
Your gaze landed back on Edd who was waiting for your response. You gave him a small smile and a nod before moving away from the window, letting the curtains cover it.

Making your way to your closet, you pushed aside some of your clothes and pulled out your (favorite color) sundress. It was a simple colored dress that ended just above your knees and had two straps that you had to tie behind your neck in order for it to stay up. You quickly changed into it and examined yourself, making sure everything was in place before tying the straps behind the back of your neck. After fixing your hair to your desire and maybe a little bit of make up just to finish it off, you slipped on some matching shoes and made your way out of the house. As you closed the door behind you, you hadn't noticed that it was much more livelier than you thought it was. As you looked around, your (e/c) eyes caught the troublesome trio building their next scam.

As Eddy triumphantly watched his two other friends build and make sure that everything was in tip top condition, his eyes caught onto you. Immediately he let out a wolf whistle and slicked his hair back. "Hello Ms. Sexy! Care to buy some lemonade? It only costs a simple date ooooor a smooch." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows as he did. You immediately blushed at his sudden approach. As Eddy continued to bombard you with flirtatious remarks, Edd on the other hand was in complete awe. His heart seemed to, as cheesy as it may be, skipped a beat when he saw you. His mind that had memorized and fully grasped both the dictionary and the encyclopedia, couldn't form a single word to describe how cute you looked. Slowly his mind caught up to speed and what was happening in front of him. Just before Eddy could utter out another terrible pick up, he quickly conked him on the head. "OW!!! JESUS CHRI- WHAT THE HELL?!" Eddy shouted as he held his head in pain. Edd simply ignored him before sauntering over to you.
"Well well if it isn't bunny. You got all dolled up just for me? How sweet." he smirked as he leaned towards you. "It's going to be difficult to let you walk around like that. You should know I'm rather....possessive when it comes to the things I like." he mused. You squeaked, jumping away from him as you did. There was no doubt about that your face was red and with the tone that he used? It wouldn't be surprising that your face is any lighter than crimson. Edd let out a chuckled as he stood back to full height, a sly grin across his face. "Lighten up a little bunny. No need to be tense." Edd smirked. You just had a sudden gut feeling that he was up to something, but you didn't know what it was. Just before you could say anything, Eddy quickly shoved him aside. "Or what you can do is wear a sexy little outfit like that and lure in some customers." Eddy grinned, wiggling his eyebrow.
"Would you like to try some (Y/n)?" Ed asked kindly as he held out a glass. You gave him a gentle smile as you took the chilled glass of lemonade. "Thank you Ed." you said softly before drinking the glass. Immediately, this bitter and bland taste coated your tongue. You physically cringed as you swallowed the atrocious drink before putting the glass aside. You had to fix this. This could cause a scene and you did not want that whatsoever.

"U-Um, Ed? I-If you don't mind, could you grab me a bunch of lemons, a pitcher filled with water, a bag of sugar, some ice, and a spoon?" you asked.
"Aye-Aye madam!" He said happily as he ran for the house. Not too long, Ed had came back with all of the things that you needed and you helped him place them on the stand. "Oh I forgot a knife." you quietly said to yourself. You had to go quickly grab one, but it would look odd if you walked out with a knife, and there was no way you would let Ed carry a knife for the sake of his safety and everyone else's. "I'll be ri-" just before you could finish your sentence, Edd pulled out a switch blade and smirked. "I'll do the cutting." he mused before walking over next to you. You blushed but nodded. "Alright, start cutting some lemons in half." You said with a small smile as you took the rancid lemonade on the grass. "Hey what the hell?! Why did you toss my lemonade away?!" Eddy shouted.
"She's not the only one that thought it tasted like shit." Edd said as he cut the lemons perfectly in half.

As the two of you worked on the lemonade, a small smile graced your lips. The music played in your ears as you squeezed the lemon juice in the pitcher and giving what was left for Ed. It was odd to see him enjoy something else other than gravy. As you added the right amount of sugar, you gave it a taste test. You were pleased at the taste before you plopped in a couple of slices of lemon into the concoction before looking at Eddy. "It's ready Eddy." you said softly. Eddy grumbled in response. "Mine was better." he grumbled before he turned towards the cul-de-sac. "Alright folks! Step right up to try Eddy's homemade lemonade served to you by this fine little lady right here!" He mused. "Only fifty cents!!!" he cheered.

The first one to come up to the stand was a dark skinned fellow that held...a chicken in his arms. A chicken? Well...maybe he has relatives that live here? Or maybe he lives in the rural house of the cul-de-sac. "Rolf would like to try the decadent juices of the lemons! For Rolf is quit parched." He said as he dropped two quarters in the large mason jar and took a plastic cup of the lemonade. As he took a drink, his eyes widened and stood still. This got you to worry. Did it taste bad? Horrible? "W-well?" you asked timidly.
"This.....This is the nectar of the heavens! Just sweet enough to appease the tongue and sour enough that it quenches the thirst of a thirsty man that came back from surviving the Sahara desert!" He said ecstatically. "Everyone!" He called as he turned towards the neighborhood. "You must try this delicious nectar!" He said as he waved everyone over. One by one, people started to buy the lemonade, even some of the parents had bought some as well. Your drink was the life of the party and Eddy had an amazing time with carrying his quarter filled mason jar back to his house, never to be seen again.

Soon the party was kicked into full gear as everyone danced with one another; Kevin with Naz, Sarah with Jimmy, Ed and his jar of pickles and Rolf with, now, his rooster. A small giggle escaped your lips as you leaned against the tree in your front yard and watched as Rolf's rooster chased Ed. There was nothing that could have ruined this moment, nothing at all. However, you had spoke too soon. The sky had slowly began to grow grey. Slow and steadily, the rain had fell and before you knew it, that light sprinkle rain became a heavy downpour. The girls screamed as they tried to save their attire and their appearance along with their things while the guys hollered and rushed to get the food back inside, especially Kevin with the grill and the probably soggy meat.

Just as you were about to bolt for your door, you saw one person stand in the middle of the rain, his head bowed and his hands stuffed in his pocket. You squinted your eyes as you tried to figure out who it was until you gasped. "E-Edd?!" You called out. This caused a reaction and his head shot up, looking towards the direction you were. Suddenly the rained slowed down into a normal pattern. "E-Edd! C-Come on! You're going to catch a cold!" You called out to him, yet he never moved. This concerned you and you walked towards him. "Edd?" you called again at a much softer tone. "Edd? What's wrong?" you asked softly. He never made eye contact with you until he held out a hand. "You never got to dance bunny, so I'm going to ask you once. Do you want to dance with me?" he asked, his determined steel eyes looking into yours. You blushed as the music started to play. "D-Dance....I-In the rain?" you asked yourself. You thought for a moment and nodded. "A-Alright." you said softly as you placed your gentle hand in his.

A shiver went down your spine as you felt the sudden warmth from his large hand encasing yours. As the music played, you followed Edd's swaying, making sure that you wouldn't step on his shoes. "You know," Edd said, breaking the silence. "I um, I wanted to tell you something." he mumbled. You looked up at him in curiosity.
"W-What is it?" you asked, a blush slightly dusted on your cold wet cheeks.
"I um, shit...." he mumbled. "I um...I like you.....and...Um."
Wait, did you hear that properly? He liked you? No way....! "Look I'm not good at this affection shit like I was years ago okay? So you want to be my girlfriend or what?" he asked, looking away.

You looked at him in awe. You couldn't believe it...! He liked you! And he wanted you to be his girlfriend! "I-I..." you stuttered shyly, trying to find the courage to respond to this situation. Edd sighed, almost as if he were disappointed. "Look (Y/n) if you don't like me then just sa-"
"I like you too." you said softly, ducking your head to hide your flushed face. "I...I liked you for a while now." you said softly. "I thought that since you teased me a lot...I thought you only saw me as a friend." you said shyly. There was a moment of silence before a chuckle came up. "I guess you can't sense flirting when it's right in your face can you?" he mused. "That and it's just fun to see you squirm.

You squeaked as one of his hands had been placed on your waist and gave it a squeeze. "But I'm serious here (Y/n)." he said, his tone following his words. "I do want you to be my girlfriend. You're smarter than the average and your unique. You're innocence drives me crazy and even more so when the hormonal male population of this school want's to take it for themselves." There was another moment of silence before you nodded. It made perfect sense to say yes. He liked you, you liked him, he fended you off while you gave him peace. "Okay." you said with a happy smile. "I'll be your girlfriend." you said.

Edd's eyes widened at the response. He couldn't believe it either. He thought that you would flat out reject him, didn't. A grin grew on his face as he yanked your hand. You yelped as you tripped towards him and gasped when he smashed his cold yet oddly soft lips. Your eyes widened at the sudden action, your cheeks burning with heat. Squeezing your eyes shut, you kissed him back. Edd let out a small hum of approval as he released your hand and placed them on your hips and you placed your hands on his soaked chest. After a while, you pulled away, panting as you tried to fill your burning lungs with much needed oxygen. Edd placed his forehead on yours, that sly grin plastered on his lips.

"You're mine now." He whispered. Just before he could dive back in, the rain began to downpour again. "Fuck me are you serious?" he groaned. A small giggle escaped your lips as you stepped back. "I-I have to go back inside Edd." you said a little louder. "I-I'll see you at school..!" you gave him a small smile, your cheeks tinted with pink as you ran back to your house, leaving probably the happiest guy on this planet in the rain. Just before you could close the door behind you, you looked out and smiled as you saw Edd run back to his house. A small giggle escaped your lips as you closed the door. "My word it seriously is raining cats and dogs out there!" you heard someone say. You looked over and saw some parents staring at your soaking form. You nodded as you tucked a wet strand of hair behind your ear. "Goodness, sweetheart why don't you go dry up before you get a cold." they said, giving your parents a farewell. You gave them a small wave before making it back upstairs.

After taking a shower and changing into something that was a little warmer, you flopped onto the bed and sighed contently. As you laid there staring at the ceiling, your mind wandered back to what happened moments ago. A blush flashed across your cheeks yet again and you covered your face with your hand. You couldn't believe it. Edd was your boyfriend. Edd, the bad boy of Peach Creak high, was your boyfriend. You couldn't help but smile. Yes, as shocked as you were, you were just as equally happy. And're adventure began.   

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