Chapter 32: Blind Beauty

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Brett stood outside the glass enclosure outside of the school. He had been standing around for twenty minutes, as he kept checking the time on his phone. Why was he here, Why was he up so early? He thought knowing perfectly well it was because of a girl.

Was this what life was going to be for him from now on. If so could he handle it. He had been left alone with his thoughts for to long, there wasn't a soul at the school. Walking up and down the sidewalk, he just wanted to see Bailey walk down the sidewalk so he could just get this day over with.

The depression as hitting him like a truck today, it's spiritual hand wrapped around his brain as he began to question the relationship Bailey and him share, wondering if he had made a mistake as another bus finally pulled up to one of the nearby stops. Mid pace he was heading for the stop that the bus just pulled up to and seeing Bailey got off.

She was looking rough, her eyes blood shot and drained. Likely from stress and a lack of sleep she was certainly feeling it today. She also put no effort into her outfit choice for the day, wearing only pyjama like clothing and the mustard yellow hoodie with a back pack for her stuff. She looked at the ground, something was bugging her as she tried to avoid looking at Brett.



Brett made the first move of the day as he hugged Bailey. Trying to fit that boyfriend role, that he wasn't sure he could do. Normally the hugs would make her smile and that was his goal, he struggled seeing her so down.

It wasn't effective though as Bailey weakly put one arm around Brett, when out the blue the second bus showed up to take them to the hospital. They get on and like all early morning buses in the summer they were practically the only one's on it. Brett let Bailey chose where she wanted to sit, picking a seat at the very back.

Sliding in first, Bailey was transfixed by the window. While Brett sat beside her. The bus took off from the stop as Bailey cuddled up to Brett. He could sense she was still feeling rough, and probably slightly ashamed that she had to ask Brett to come with her, but he didn't say anything he simply just wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulders and kissed her on the forehead.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know I just thought it'd make you feel better," Bailey was looking up at Brett as he finished the sentence. The saddened look was still their only to have a slight smile accompanying it now before turning back to face the window. "So do you want to tell me why we're going to the hospital?"

She didn't say anything, she was focused on the window as she thinks about the question.

"It's just a check up."

"Do you mind if I ask for what?"

In Brett's mind if he was going to commit his life to this girl he had to know what he was in for. Sure he shouldn't be badgering her on such a touchy subject but he believed he loved her, he needed the truth. Eventually Bailey sighed realizing that Brett wasn't going to stop, and that she at least owed him an explanation.

"Fine but you can't tell anyone, I haven't told anyone about this before not even Paige. But I have Anorexia, and turned to bulimia to help maintain it."

The words hurt her as she finally admitted it to someone, she began to cry on the bus as Brett held her hand.

"But you look beautiful."

As a teenage boy, who had never experienced something like this before in his life. He didn't know what else to say. It wasn't right but he was at a loss for words. He had cared so much about this girl as all the dots suddenly came together. In class when she would leave for long periods of time it was because of this. He didn't know what to do to help her.

"Brett, this is the largest I've ever been in my life. I hate it."

The girl sadly retorted slowly escaping into her mind. She lifted her body off of Brett's and leaned up against the window. She grabbed the mustard yellow hood of her hoodie and covered her face. He knew he had struck a nerve, the reality of if you compliment a girl, it'll make her feel better was useless in times like these. There was nothing he could do to help her, except sit next to her on that bus. From under the hood he could sees tears rolling down her face. Actions speak louder then words. The old proverb came to mind, knowing that if he said anything to make her feel good would be immediately shut down, he just needed to be there for her. He slid across the seat a little getting closer to Bailey.

"Hey, don't cry I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's not that. I'm just scared. I feel like everyone is judging me and I just want to be invisible."

Bailey tried her best to fight back the tears, while Brett does his best to comfort her. He couldn't do much with her hoodie up, so he carefully lifted it up, Bailey's hair was full of static as some of her hair clung to the hood. He could see the tears clearly in her eyes as the hood fell behind her head. Brett just went for it as he wiped away her tears, then lowered his voice to a calm and reassuring tone.

"Don't cry, I'm here and we'll get through this together."

Her eyes raced from side to side looking into Brett's as the feeling of protection washed over her. He brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at her, their hands find each other at their sides. Bailey's fingers interlock with his in a death grip, before looking out the window again.

"We're here."

The girl said the two words weakly knowing that the inevitable was before them. The mega structure was outside the window as the bus came to a stop. Brett slid off the seat first as bailey hung off him like an extra limb. He escorted the girl to the front doors of the building as they wooshed open. They were here, no going back. Brett was Bailey's life line from this point forward.

Blind Beauty (Currently Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt