12. hospitalised

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I pulled up to school and I saw it was lunch and i ran inside and saw isla talking to drew

Oh come on

I walked to them

'Hey isla' i said

'Where were you did you get in trouble was it Brittany I swear ima fuck her up' she said

'Chill my brother and his friends got into a mess' i said

'You do realise I'm here right' drew said

'Hi' i said not looking at him and still speaking to isla

'So what happend' she said

'Basically I was outside and my brother called me saying he got arrested for some shit said I just got him out what happend with you' i said and then 4 other guys sat down

'I'm ryan'

'I'm ethan'

'I'm blake'

'I'm alex'

'And you already know me' drew said

'And i dont care' i said going back to isla but she was glaring at alex and he was doing the same

'Woman' i said

'What what who died' she said

'Why are you watching him like he's a piece of candy' i whispered to her

'I've been crushing in him for a while that's why and he's talking to me' she said and then the bell rang

'Hey jade we have p.e now' she said

'Yeah i know but I don't have clothes to change in' i said

'Go talk to coach' blake said

'Uh no he's gonna give me some lost property shit so ima just skip' i said

'No your not i have spare clothes let's go' isla said pushing me into the girls locker room and she handed me a shirt and some shorts and i put them on tying my hair up

'You know we are playing with boys' she said

'Fuck it' i said and in came the schools slut

'It's p.e not a strip club slut' she said

'The only slut here is you' i said and walked out to see everyone warming up and i saw drew and his friends there too

Me and isla started stretching and then the whistle blew

'EVERYONE GIVE ME 4 LAPS AND THEN WE ARE GONNA RACE AND PLAY BASKET BALL' he yelled and i rolled my eyes and started jogging.

After we finshed running 4 laps we were in a line and the coach is gonna blow a whistle so we race

He blew it and we all were off I beat everyone else and the only person infront of me was drew

I started jogging not letting others past me but Kelling my speed and then I saw drew slowing down so I took that scheme and ran past him and past the finishing line

'WELL DONE JADE NOW PAIR UP FOR BASKET BALL' coach said and then 3 people came up to me

Alex and isla

'I'll go with drew you 2 can pair up' i said and isla nodded and i know she was planning to kill me but what ever

'Why did you do that' drew asked

'Because isla likes him I'm just helping them out' i said and grabbed a basket ball and gave it to him and he started playing with it and dribbling but i caught the ball and threw it causing myself a 3 pointer

'Nice' he said

'Hey can I ask a question' he said

'Depends but yeah' i said

'Why don't you like me' he said

'I just don't you can't force me to like you' i said

'Wow' he said

'Im just being honest' i said

'HIT THE SHOWERS' the coach said

'Can you stop shouting' i said and walked back into the lockers and took a shower and put on my clothes and then headed outside to go home but saw that bitch spilt coffee on my car

'WHAT THE FUCK' I yelled

'You called me a slut' she yelled

'That's because you are one' i said grabbing her hand and locking it and she flipped

'Bitch i gave you a warning now I'm gonna fucking hospitalise you' i said and punched her face and then kicked her and kneed her face and then smashed it into the ground and i punched her jaw making her unconscious

By now everyone was watching me and i looked down to see my fists bleeding and i sighed and nodded to isla and she nodded back

'I'll text you later' i mouthed and she nodded and i walked off and i looked behind me and i saw brittany being carried away and i smirked

I unlocked my car and took the hand brake off and took it back to the workshop and started cleaning it

Uh that fucking bitch

I tapped my foot as I dried it and then when it was dry i drove it back to the parking lot and I saw it was empty and i jumped on the hood of my car and I saw a football on the floor and i picked it up and stared doing kick ups and then I done a rainbow flip

'Your good' i heard someone say and i got startled and i fell but arms caught me and i saw it was

Someone I've never seen before......

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