chapter seven

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I dreamt of him.

Yes. It has gotten to that point. Terribly sad, she was so young. Now it was not one of those dreams where he and I were caught in compromising situations, but far worse.

In my dream, we spoke.

Yes, it is okay to vomit.

I mean speaking? One of the most mundane moments to ever happen in my dreams. We did not talk of anything extraordinarily unordinary either, oh no, no not even that. I mean, who dreams of an ordinary day? Why would we have dreams if we can experience them in reality? A dream where all you do is drink tea and banter until someone asks for another cup.

Well on the brighter side of things, I have dreamt of monsters before too.

The sound of the bell above my door rang as I etched a smile across my face, so I do not scare another one of my customers away. She caught me at a rough time, alright?

"Hello, welcome to my—oh." My grin dropped than a steel ball. "It is you." My voice was monotonous and dull. "Never mind, I am revoking your welcome. You have been revoked."

"You can not revoke my welcome."

"Huh, that is odd because I think I just did."

"Well take it back,"


"Why not?"

"What are you, a toddler? Just accept that you are not accepted." I stepped away from behind the counter lugging the stack of books I meant to put away with me.

"Oh, we both know that is a lie." His vociferated through the shelves.

"Think what you must, Damien, just make sure it stays in your head and not aloud."

"Do not be crass." He suddenly appeared, leaning his shoulder against my shelves. "You love me here." I snorted, the look upon my face speaking for itself and I walked passed him, over to another shelf.

There was then a long umber silence, until someone had to break it and I am sure you can take a whittled hunch who did, "So..." he prolonged the vowel, blowing air through his pink lips. "Nice books."

My eyes rolled at his transparent intentions, "What do you want?"

He responded by shrugging one of his shoulders, "I do not want anything, mayhap it is you who wants something."

I responded with a dull look and crossed my arms across my chest. We both stood for a good few moments till he finally caved in, "Damn, you are good." He muttered under his breath.

"Damn, I am."

He clicked his tongue on top of the roof of his mouth, "I have been meaning to ask if we should discuss what you said last night?"

"What is there to discuss?"

"We can try your proclamation,"

"Ah," I recalled the fond memory of my sporadic confession. "What about it?"

He pursed his lips coyly, "I just wanted to come back and confirm that you understood what you said."

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