The Letter

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Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada was trembling with fear. She didn't know why she was so afraid, they'd already celebrated their wedding night the previous night at his Bachelor Party, but there was something about the damn flower covered bed and dozens of candles around the room that freaked her out.

Hyperventilating, she strode towards the door and bolted it shut with a shuddering breath. What are you doing, Khushi, how is Arnavji supposed to enter the room now?

She didn't care. She needed some time.

She glanced wistfully at the poolside, where she had spent her first wedding night and couldn't help the tears form in her eyes as she remembered the way she had been treated.

Why am I crying.... She mentally scolded herself, Khushi, that's all in the past. Forgive and forget.

Forgive what? Another voice in her head popped up; he never even said sorry.

She paced around the room a little, and plopped herself down onto his- no, correction, their bed and took a few long breaths to calm herself down. She leaned back against the pillow and continued her cycle of deep breaths. Breathe in...... Breathe out....

He's not going to eat you, Khushi, relax. She chided herself. But he does things without thinking about them. He probably doesn't even remember half the injustices he's inflicted on her.

Khushi didn't know why all these thoughts were suddenly racing through her mind. She just married him for God's Sake! Willingly, this time! So why was she torturing herself with these thoughts?

It's because I haven't got closure with the pain of the past, she concluded with a sigh. Not that that was ever going to happen. It'll be a cold day in hell before that Laad Governor says the word sorry and least of all to her-

Khushi frowned, as her gaze landed on a little white paper kept on the pillow. A handwritten note, it contained what Khushi knew could only be Arnav's awful handwriting.

Dear Khushi,

I know that what I've done to you these past months, is nowhere near worth forgiving. As I began to write this letter today, a sort of strange realisation came to me; I've never really given you anything, anything that has not been than physical pain, mental torture and verbal slander. And for this, I am sorry. I'm sorry for a number of things, the worst of which I am going to try to outline in this letter.

I am sorry, for breaking your dori. As I look back, I see a younger, more foolish version of myself, a mere child who walked about this planet like he owned everything and everyone. I know it is no excuse, but forgive me if you can, for I was a child.

I am sorry, for being responsible for breaking Payal's first wedding. I know what you're going to say, that you're glad it happened because now she's happy with Akash, but the fact of the matter remains, I caused her and your family immense pain and torture. Forgive me, if you can, for I didn't know better.

I am sorry for being responsible for those goons who tried attacking you in Lucknow. If there's one thing I'm ever grateful to Shyam for, it's for saving you that day; had it not been for the tapes I leaked, none of this would have happened. Forgive me if you can for I was not used to someone storming their way- no, scratch that, you literally fell into my life.

I am sorry for your time at AR; that bet was a silly move on my part. I was just trying to assert dominance as per my nature. I should never have treated you the way I did; and dropping you from the first floor of my office is one of the biggest regrets of my life. Forgive me, for not grabbing onto you that day; I get nervous when being watched. I should not have let go of your hand.

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