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I whip through the hospital like a brooding summer storm. Patients and health workers brush to wayside of the sterile halls. I tear through the lobby within moments and finally free my fury outdoors. Daniel better brace himself for the damage I will do to him.

A sunny sky greets my anger. I look around dumbly because I'm not really sure where to go. The training center? The community building? The apartments? I shield my eyes from the sun with my right hand.

"Ashley!" someone calls from behind me. I turn around to see Lana walking in my direction. She rushes over to me, the wind tousling her hair. "You're looking for Danny, aren't you."

She saw right through my thin lie. Whether I want it or not, I need her. "Maybe."

"He's in the building over there." I look across the grounds as Lana confirms it's the headquarters building. Why did I not realize that before? The building's guards teem around its border.

"Thank you," I say. We both nod.

Lana's expression shifts, then unpockets her phone. With raises eyebrows she says, "I can't believe he did this. I'm dumping him right now."

If I was drinking something, I would have spit it out. "What?"

Lana's thumbs dart around her phone before she puts it away and shrugs. "I'm not going to be associated with some unpredictable guy like Danny. What he did is disgusting."

I'm not really sure what to say. I just nod. "Thanks for helping me with the wounds and all that. You're really good at your job. I could never be a nurse."

She laughs. "I could never be a Clarifier."

With that, we part and go our separate ways; Lana back to her nursing job and me to the heavily-guarded building. With renewed determination, I follow the paved path to the building. Suprisingly, the guards don't stop me from entering.

Passing through various training room, I recieve wide-eyed stares through glass doors and windows from everybody. Great. The last thing I need is people making me into some kind of an animal. My hands find my neck. The bandages layer my skin. Lovely.

As soon as I step past the entrance, I have just enough time to observe the interior before a guard says, "General Fadhill was expecting you." Concrete walls and a harsh environment engulf me as the guard leads me through a lengthy hallway and down a flight of stairs.

Once we reach the bottom of the staircase, the guard stops and instructs me to walk to the end of the hall. So I stride down the dingy hall and let the outrage fill me full. I can't let Daniel weasel his way out of a punishment, no matter what. My mind flashes back to the video Daniel took. Why did he do that? It's so weird of a thing to do. I'll do anything to get it deleted.

A little red light catches my attention. I tilt my eyes towards the ceiling to spot small cameras positioned every few yards. I nearly whistle out loud in amazement. Their security team must be way better than the States's, considering Renegades use camera technology in a basement.

After more pointless bantering with myself, I reach the door at the end of the hall. A different guard turns the doorknob and pushes it open. I immediately spot that back of Daniel's figure yelling at General Fadhill, a man with a strong build and buzz-cut blonde hair.

"--so no, I won't." Daniel yells. The general spots me behind Daniel, and he pauses him before he can yell anymore.

"Miss Cummins." The general welcomes me gruffly into his office. Daniel spins around to face me, an angry scowl on his face. He sweeps his eyes over me and gives me a disgusted look. I glare back at him and take a seat in one of the chair facing the general's desk.

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