Flirting with Alex!?!

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I woke up and I was in Carter's arms I got of his grip and went in the bathroom I got my clothes and heels and put them on I was able to pull the zipper up halfway and that was good enough I got my phone and texted Sarah to come pick me up she said ok send me the address I sent her the address and she was here pretty quick carter was asleep he looked so peaceful I got my tights and went outside Sarah was waiting for me I got in the car and she said so how was it I said nothing happened ok she said sure we drove to her house and we got out her car and she gave me the car keys to my car I got in my car that was parked in her driveway and said thanks Sarah I should go talk to you later she said bye and no problem I got out the driveway and drove to my house I got there pretty quick I got out my car and went inside my house nobody was home I went upstairs to my room and took a shower I finished and I put on an outfit I put on my shoes and put on some makeup I usually put on the same make up every day I finished and I let my hair out loose I got my laptop and looked for my phone I couldn’t find it I went in my car and it wasn’t there either crap what if I left it at carters house last night I was having a really bad dream it was about me and I was walking to the park and someone came behind me and picked me up and then he took me into a car and drove me to an empty warehouse and then carter came in and they started beating him up I don't know why but it affected me allot it tore my heart apart I heard carter calling my name and I woke up he asked  me what was wrong and I said nothing he gave me a tight hug and I hugged him back I was so happy he was ok but why do I care I just met him oh no what if I’m starting to fall for him without even noticing it if I fell for him I would have no chance he has perfect pretty girls throwing themselves at them why would he pick me I stopped thinking and I decided I was going to go get my phone  I would just knock on the door and get my phone that’s it right. I got my car keys and went downstairs and outside I got in my car when I was getting in my car I felt like someone was watching me I turned around and nothing was there I got in and closed the door I turned the engine on and drove to carters house it was only 20 minutes away depending on how fast you went. I stopped to get some star bucks I got a strawberry frappe I payed for it and got in my car and drove to carters house I got there and I got out my car I walked to the front door and knocked on it Alex opened it and said hey I said hi he looked at my frappe and said ohh is that for me I took a sip and said no its for me I came to get my phone he said oh come in I walked in and carter was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV I walked in Alex was behind me he walked to the sofa and sat down carter said hey and I said hey I came to get my phone I forgot it in the morning he said I know I said so where is it he said um I can’t tell you that I said why not and he said because if I give it to you your going to leave. I said so he said well I don’t want you to leave I said why he said because I need someone to annoy me I said just give me my phone he said nope you have to stay at least three hours said what no I have to go home he said ok then you can comeback tomorrow and stay three hours and get your phone back I groaned and said fine ill stay but just three hours ok he stood up and went upstairs I groaned and sat next to Alex. he looked at me and said you know he likes you right I said who Alex said carter I said no he doesn’t Alex said yes he does and I can tell you like him I said no I don’t were barely friends Alex said you’re really stubborn just like him you guys are a perfect match I said I don’t like him ok Alex said yes you do and he likes you I can prove it to you I said no you can’t because he doesn’t like me Alex said yes he does want me to prove it I said sure in a annoyed tone he said ok so for the rest of the time that your here flirt with me and act all girly and crap and sit on my lap and just act like we were dating and ill do the same except act girl and sit on your lap because you know that will be weird ok. I sighed and said ok he said ok when he walks in stand up and sit next me and put your head on my shoulder and we'll keep going from there. I said ok Robert and Zach came in the living room and sat down on the empty sofa carter walked in and sat down I waited a few seconds and I got up and sat down next to Alex and put my head on his shoulder he put his arm around my waist carter Zach and Robert looked at us all confused it was really quiet all you could here was the TV but nobody was really paying attention to it. Robert said so instead of just sitting here why don’t we play a game or something Zach said yea let’s play "I never" Alex said whets that Zach said one persons ay something that they have never done and whoever has done it has to take off a piece of clothing or something on their body or they can take two shots of alcohol or drink a beer and whoever hasn’t had the least beer and shots or had taken off the least amount of clothing wins. carter said um ok sure so did Robert Alex said ok they looked at me and I said um I’m not playing Robert said come on don’t be such a baby I said um I’m not playing that’s my final decision Alex looked at me and said oh come on babe play with us I sighed and said fine I can’t believe Alex is serious about this whole carter likes me thing. carter looked at Alex with a kind of pissed face but I ignored it we sat in a circle and Zach went in the kitchen and brought two packs of beer and three bottles of vodka I really don’t want to get wasted tonight how am I going to go home like that my parents would kill me if they found out that I drank alcohol. Carter said ok he starting Alex said ill start. He said I’ve never been arrested carter took off the beanie he had on Robert took off his shoe and Zach took off his shoe too I can’t believe they have all been arrested. Alex said ok babe your next I said I’ve never done drugs carter took off a shoe and Robert took off his other shoe I was actually surprised that they have done drugs. Robert said my turn and he said I’ve never kissed grace Zach took off his other shoe and Alex took off one of his shoes carter didn’t take anything off they all looked me and then at him carter said what and they said you guys have kissed carter said yea is there a problem with that Robert said no Zach said alright I’ve never kissed a boy I took off my shoe carter said I’ve never read the fault in our stars he looked at me and smirked I took off my other shoe it was Alex turn again he said I’ve never gotten a h****y carter took off his shoe Robert said you have gotten a h****y before carter said yes I have Robert said by who carter chuckled and said that’s none of your business I’m so glad carter didn’t say by me because I would die of embarrassment Alex said ok babe your turn I said I’ve never fallen in love they all took something off. Robert said I’ve never given a h****y carter looked at me with a smirk I took off my sock Robert said well I guess we know who gave carter a mark under his breath I didn’t say anything but he kind of pissed me off when he said that he didn’t have to say it he could of kept it to himself we kept playing for the next hour I only had my shirt and shorts on Alex had his jeans and no shirt on carter was in boxers Zach and Robert were in boxers and undershirt I had four shots of vodka I don’t really like beer and I didn’t want to take off my shirt or shorts off I have to say I like this a I get a chance to see almost of the guys shirtless and they have really nice abs it was carters turn he said I've never gotten a tattoo Alex took off his pants and Robert took off his undershirt he was now left in boxers Alex said I've never watched a chick flick I chuckled because I remembered last night when carter was crying because of the movie. I took two shots and so did carter I could feel myself staring to get drunk and I wanted more alcohol ugh this isn't good I know that if I have another shot I'm going to lose it. It was my turn again I said I've never kissed a girl carter took two shots and Robert did too Zach took off his undershirt Alex drank a beer.  During the game Alex had been flirting with me I knew why but it was starting to annoy me Robert said I've never lost a bet he looked at carter with an evil smirk I took two shots so did Alex and Zach did too Robert said carter you have never lost a bet carter said yea I've never lost bet and I'm not planning to lose one Robert said well you are carter said sure I will Zach said ok guys shut up anyways it’s my turn I've never jumped off a plane no one did something except Alex he drank another beer out of nowhere he picked me up and put me on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist carter looked at him and then at me and said so are you guys dating or something Alex said no why carter said never mind Zach said ok carter your turn carter said I’ve never gotten really wasted we all took two shots oh no i had a big urge to drink more alchol i didnt even care anymore im all ready drunk why not get more drunk.

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