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Harry's POV:

There's a melodic beeping as my eyes open, but I am not me. I can see myself lying in a hospital bed with a spine chilling stillness. This must be some sort of out of body experience, seeming as I can't be in two places at once, unless science has had a new revelation overnight.

There are doctors standing around me, I watch as the roll over a large box with too many wires to count. A man, most likely the leader of the group, takes two metal slabs, rubs them together, and then forcibly presses them to my chest.

Then, I am me again.


My eyes are heavy as I open them, finding a woman sitting in front of me. Her head is in her hands as she seems to be crying into them. My eyes are still blurry from sleep, but I hope that the one waiting for me is the girl I love.

"Leah?" I croak out, finding that the lady now has her head lifted, but she is most definitely not Leah.

She is my mother.

Black wavy hair, dark green eyes, aging skin and all.

"Hello sweetie, how are you feeling?" Is the first thing she says, the first few words I've heard from her in years.

"Fine. What are you doing here?" I snap, wanting this woman out of my sight and life immediately.

She sighs, "I'm still the emergency contact on all of your forms, Harry. Also, I'm your mother and I'd like to be there for my child when he's been in an accident."

"Guessing my glorious father couldn't show up, could he?" I say, straining to sit up but several chords hold me there.

"He had some business meetings to attend, you know how hectic his schedule can be."

"Honestly, I could care less about that asshole. Actually, I could care less about either of you."

"We will always be your parents Harry, you need to realize that and get over your hatred."

"Nurse!" I yell, my mother gasps as if I'm betraying her. Seconds later a friendly looking woman wearing scrubs, maybe mid forties, walks in. "Can you please escort this woman to the lobby so she can be on her way."

"Of course, you also have a guest waiting if you're willing to see anyone. I believe her name is Lucy."

I laugh knowing she's talking about Leah, "you can send her in."

I watch as my mother huffs, but gets from her seat across from the bed. She looks at me one last time before walking out of the room, allowing me to breathe again. Just being in her presence reminds me of why I left and lost all contact with my parents.

I smile widely when the nurse comes back in with Leah trailing behind her, dark brown hair cascading past her shoulders as her deep brown eyes find mine.

"The doctor will swing by in a few minutes to go over what happened and your injuries." The nurse says before nodding curtly and walking out of the room. At that, tears fall from Leah's eyes as she crosses the room and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"You scared me so much, I'd thought I'd lost you." She said into my shoulder before pulling away and pressing a salt filled kiss to my lips.

"Well that definitely won't be happening any time soon."

"How do you feel?"

"Fine, actually. The crash must not have been that bad."

Leah frowns, opening her mouth to speak but a doctor with barely any gray hair left walks into the room, stopping whatever she was about to tell me.

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