Chapter Forty Six- Jacket

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Chapter Forty Six: Jacket

He kicked open his door, stepping aside for me to enter. It had snowed again and the beautiful scent of rain lingered in the air, in his apartment. I inhaled, smiling.

Looking at the counter top, made my stomach ache from the need I felt for him. I reminisced the last time I was here. We'd kissed and then... heat rose to my cheeks in seconds.

He removed his jacket and I pulled off my coat.

He doesn't like me. I tried to make myself believe that.

"You hungry?" He raised his eyebrow, smiling.

Jeez! His smile!

Oh, god! I have to leave. Or I will. . .

I looked away, twiddling with my hands. "Nope." I tried to sound normal. As if the last time we weren't all over each other. Or that we had hung out like this before.

"Pizza and spaghetti it is." I rolled my eyes at this new version of Evan and a small smile crept onto my lips.

He gave the order on the phone while, I prepared some coffee for us. Because, sitting ideal was giving me thoughts. Bad thoughts like how his lips would taste or how his hair would feel...

Shut up... get a grip!

"Coffee?" I nodded at him and smiled.

Stop smiling!!

"So, you wanna talk about what happened at the party. Why you were crying?"

I stopped making coffee and turned around without realizing how close he stood. We were almost touching, as I sucked in a sharp breath.

His fingers grabbed my chin and made me look in his eyes. Those gorgeous swirls of brown, making my heart jump out of me.

I swallowed the bile and just stared at him. I traced the scar on his jaw and he looked away, stepping back.

Why couldn't I keep my hands to myself?

I sighed and spoke, "Why did you smoke?"

"I asked you first." He said, leaning against the counter while I leaned against the island.

I played with my hands, as I started, "Because Josh kissed me without my consent."

I looked up to see he was holding a plastic bottle in his hand, which now was being squeezed to it's death. His eyes piercing mine.

You see right there.... it's jealousy in capital letters.


Instantly, he looked away and threw the bottle in the trash.

"The guy who came to pick you up yesterday?"

He was there too? I thought he had his shift!

As if he read my mind, he enlightened, "I'd left my jacket in the locker."


He added, "And the one who picked your phone."

It didn't seem like a question to me.

"Yes...." And I started narrating him everything.

From the start.

Meanwhile our pizza came. We sat on the couch with the blanket draped over us, as I kept talking and eating.

I took another bite of my hot spicy pizza and looked back at infuriated but, somehow composed Evan.

"You should have told me right there..."

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