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He was drowning. He was dying. I was going to be sick. My eyes throbbed as the ringing screams penetrated my skull. I thrash around, my thoughts paralyzed. Tristan held me in his arms, I claw him, my teeth aching, threatening to bite him. Why was he trying to stop me? This wasn't some random person! This was Wesley, the boy who I healed in the cell, the one who made too many jokes and carried me back to the hotel. The boy who sat with me and comforted me. This was Avanali's brother, this was my Wesley. I'm sobbing, choking on my own tears. I bite my tongue, salty blood filling my mouth.

I ripped away from Tristan, my whole body trembling. The others are screaming. Everything is in slow motion. My heart hammers in my ears. Suddenly, I'm in front of the tank, it looms over me. The nurse lady shouts, threatening me. But I'm not thinking. I feel strong, powerful, unstoppable. In my weakness, I find strength. I ram my body into the glass. I feel nothing; I see nothing. Nothing but his face, everything is muted except for his voice. The glass is cracking, I can feel it giving way, water slipping through. My blood diverts from my gut to my muscles as I do the impossible. I'm disconnected from everything besides the pounding of my heart. It splashes my skin, springing through the cracks.

The tank wall shatters, glass erupts, shards scattering across the floor. I'm knocked over by the gushing water, it floods my mouth and burns my eyes. I'm frozen in place for a moment. But I don't have a moment, I scrambled to my feet slipping. The room has erupted in chaos. I find him, feeling him before I can see him, his soaking wet shirt and dark moppy hair.

He isn't breathing.

"Damnit Wesley!" I start pumping viciously on his chest, someone kneels over him beside me but I can only think of him. His skin his pale, his cheeks hollowed. I can feel his protruding ribs. "Come on, breathe!"

Suddenly, he sits up coughing, choking on water. I should have waited but I couldn't help myself, I threw my arms around him. He pulled me close. I closed my eyes, pressing my face into his heaving shoulder. 

"Thank you." He whispers, his breath hot against my ear. I look at him again, pressing my hand to his cheek. It begins to look healthy again. I am a gamma. But the glass.

"How did you do that, Margo?" I hear Tristan say, he stares at the shattered tank. He sounds frightened.

I broke the glass. But I am a gamma. I regenerate. I am not strong. I am not an alpha. How did I do that? Wesley was shaking, or maybe it was me.

"Get up you disgusting bitch." It's the nurse lady, I gasp as she yanks me from the floor, her hand grasping my hair, my scalp burns. Wesley shoves her and she let's go in surprise, stumbling backward. Her henchman takes her place, a wild look in his eyes.

The other kids are screaming and crying. A few of them step forward, ready to fight. We could all escape. There were two of them and about fifty of us. We could take them.

Clap. Clap. Clap. "Bravo!" I turned in surprise as an extremely tall man entered followed by multiple men dressed completely in white. I swallowed as Wesley gently shoved me behind him.

The man's dark eyes met mine. They seemed almost insane. "That was quite the show. I especially enjoyed the romantic embrace, nice touch." He licked his lips.

The nurse lady shook her head in disbelief. "I told you, you are not welcome here!" Her voice was shrill.

The man snapped his head around. "Ugh, why are you such a downer? Ever hear of crashing a party?" He snaps his fingers. Bang. One of the men in white shoots her. Blood splatters as she falls to the ground. Someone screams. The man shrugs. "She was a terrible host."

He turns to me. "I can't believe I found you so easily." He grinned. "And they told me you didn't exist."

Tristan steps forward, bravely. "What the hell are you talking about? Who are you?"

The man gasps, in mock surprise. "I'm only the most infamous man in the scientific community."

He rolls his eyes when we all fail to give a name.

"I'm Richard Snell."

Wow, I'm killing the cliff hanger game. So what do you guys think? We are 82 in science fiction! This is insane and I can't believe we've come this far! Comment and I'll reply because I think that drives the rank up. But yea I love you guys and you mean the world to me because you push me to keep telling this story. Share this story! XOXO ~N.K  

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