Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Teddy's POV

I regret the day I said that I wanted to leave this pack I can't do it, I can't leave my mate, I found out that he is sick and hasn't woken up, I just can't leave him like that but I don't want to stay here the longer I stay, the more depressed I become.

I don't want to leave but I have to leave, I can't live here with my mate that rejected me, if he wanted me he should of not rejected me, but I should of not accepted his rejection, I'm so mixed up I can't think straight.

I looked at him one last time and shut the door carefully, making sure not to wake him up, I sigh and dragged my bag across all the rooms to the front door, I never thought that it's going to be so hard leaving this place.

My mother was saying good bye to some old friends, and the alpha of course, as for me I don't know anybody here and I don't have any friends, so I'm all good.

"Ted are you ready?" my mother asked as she put on her coat.

I nod and opened the door, the wind was strong and the sky was covered in dark black clouds, just a minute ago the sky was clear, spring is so confusing.

"Here wear your coat" my mother handed me my coat, I thanked her a wore it, I was just afraid of one thing, what if the plane will not fly because of the bad weather?


Thanks god the weather didn't affect our flight, our plane was huge I had never saw a real plane up close, my heart was beating fast, I want to go back to max but I can't, max rejected me a doesn't want me, so why do I still want him?

My heart still hurts it's like I have been stabbed a hundred times, my wolf has been silent he doesn't talk, I have asked him if it's okay to leave his mate, but he doesn't answer me, I miss my old happy wolf, my mate broke him apart.

I wiggled my butt on the uncomfortable seat, my mother was sitting right next to me and I was sitting beside the window, the view was beautiful, and I was nervous.

We put our seatbelts on as the caption started the engine, I hugged my mothers hand and she laughed.

The plane lifted up and we were off the ground, my ears were hurting like shit, my eyes started to tear up, my mother gave me chewing-gum, I chewed on it and it made me better. (A/N: That's why I hate planes)

I looked out of the window, I could see all the cars they looked like cars you can play with, im going to miss this town.

We are going to New York, were all the roads are busy and everybody is busy, I was excited but in another way sad, I don't know what is happening to my feelings but it's really making me confused.

There was a small tv in front is me and headphones, okay now this is interesting, I guess I'm not going to sleep at all.


I can't believe that I actually did this, I'm in new york, I'm in new york, omg I'm in new york, I left my mate and came to new york, but I want to go back to my mate, no I don't want to go back.

I sigh, I'm pathetic I don't deserve him, he is strong, I am weak, he can hunt, I can't hunt, he is an alpha and I'm an omega.

We are totally different so why are we mates? There has to be something that I can do, that he can't? but he can do everything, and I can't.

We just got off the plane, my mother was getting our bags and I was waiting for her.

My wolf starts to whine and cry

The Rejected Mate (BoyxBoy)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now