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chatting with: Dominic 💜

please text me back, dom. i don't even know what to say. i'm so sorry.

Dominic 💜:
Oh, what? You're sorry for being guilty of the same exact thing that you made me feel like an absolute monster for?
read; 3:45pm

You're sorry you made me feel like literal garbage when you'd done the same exact thing?
read; 3:46pm

You're sorry that for some reason you couldn't just tell me this and you had to embarrass the shit out of me in front of Nora and Matt and your fucking therapist?
read; 3:48pm

You're sorry that you dropped this goddamn bomb on me when we were JUST starting to get back to some semblance of normal?
read; 3:52pm

I don't want to talk to you right now, Annabelle.
read; 3:53pm


chatting with: Matt Dadd

Matt Dadd:
Are you okay?


Matt Dadd:
Are you coming back to the apartment?

if you're not too disgusted with me to have me there, then yeah. i don't have anywhere else to go.

Matt Dadd:
You're always welcome here, Annabelle. Even when you're a shithead.

thanks, matty.

Matt Dadd:
Yeah. I'd steer clear of Dom for now though. He's pretty mad

yeah, i noticed. he has every right to be.

Matt Dadd:
Just don't do anything stupid, Annabelle. Please.

i won't. i'm on my way over there right now.

Matt Dadd:

Life Lessons • {Dominic Sherwood; 2}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن