Chapter 5

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"Aren't you happy mommy isn't home this week Angel?" He put his hand on stomach underneath my night gown. It was one of the nicer ones he had bought me: red and white polka dots. Red ribbons were neatly tied into bows on the tops of my pigtails.

I giggled. "Daddy that tickles."

"Want to have some fun, Princess Angelina of House Luna?" He asked me in a formal British accent. That was one of the things we did when mom wasn't home. She told us she was working, but I was gleeful to get to play with Daddy all day.

"Father dearest, that would be simply enchanting." I raised my nose high in the air following it with a curtesy.

He took my hand in his and led me to his room, where I could only go into if he gave me permission.

"What are we going to play Daddy?" I asked innocently pulling at his shirt.

"Let's play a new game, I'll show you how it goes."


He told me that we were going to play check up. He would be the doctor and I would be his patient. First he asked me how I was feeling. I told him fine. He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm doing well Doctor Daddy, thank you."

He pretended to write something down, something very important.

"Ahh, well Miss Angelina I have to examine underneath your clothes so I'm going to need you to take all of your clothes off."

I shook my head.

"I am the doctor, Miss Angelina. How am I going to see if you are sick?"

I shook my head again, more furiously this time. "Doctor, only my Mommy can see me
like that. You're not my mommy."

He swallowed hard, looked at the celling, and then looked back at me. Breaking character he balled his hands into fists.

"When did she tell you that I couldn't see you? I'm your Daddy, so like your Mommy I take care of you."

I looked at my feet, concentrating on how they swung back and forth. "She said you touched me funny. I dunno."

"Answer my question Angelina. You're dodging it."

"After Christopher ran away from home. I don't know why though."

"You're too young to know dear. Let's keep playing okay. I promise I won't hurt you."

I took off my clothes and he examined every square inch of my body. It felt wrong, like I was keeping a mean secret. I didn't realize until later that their relationship had been crumbling since I was five years old.

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