chapter 15 dinner

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He imitates the gentleman stance, hand behind his back.
She extends Rose's gloved hand and he takes it . Kissing the back of her fingers. Rose flushes beaming noticeably. She can't take his eyes off him.
Josephine watch with pure happiness .
Jack" I saw that on a Nickelodean once, I always wanted to do it.
Josie" hi Daddy, do you like my dress."
Jack smiles "yes I do you look like a princess just like your mommy" he turls her around making her to giggle and rose  to smile .
Rose" cal, Shurely you remember Mr . Dawson.
Cal was caught off guard.
Cal"Dawson! I didn't recognize you.
He studies him.
"Amazing! You can almost pass for a gentleman."

As the party depends to dinner. The encounter Molly Brown, looking in a beaded dress. In her own busty broad- shouldered way grins when she sees Jack. As they are going into the dinning saloon she walks next to him
Speaking low.
Molly"ain't nothing to it,is there, Jack?"
Jack"yay, you just dress like a pallbearer and keep your nose up."
Molly" remember, the only thing that they respect is money. So just act like you got lots of it and you're in the club.
As they enter the swirling throng Rose leans close to him, pointing several notables .
Rose" there's the countess of Rothes. And that is John Jacob Astor ... The richest man on the ship. His little wifey there Madeline, she is my age and in a delicate condition. See how she's trying to hide it. Quite the scadndal ".
( She nods at the couple )
And over there ,that's Sr
Cosmo and Lucille Lady Duff- Gordon. She'd designs naughty lingerie among many talents, very popular with the Royals".

Cal  becomes engrossed in a conversation with Cosmo Duff Gordon, and colonel Gracie, while Ruth and countess Lucille discuss fashion. Rose picots Jack smoothly , to  show him another couple dressed impeccable.
Rose" and that Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress Madam Albert. Mrs Guggenheim is at home with the children, of course."
Cal, meanwhile is accepting the praise of his male counterparts, who is looking at rose like  a prize show horse .

Sir Cosmo"Hokley, she is splendid".
Cal"thank you".
Gracie"cal is lucky man. I know him well, and it can only be luck".

Ruth steps over, hearing the last. She takes Cal's arm, somewhat  

Ruth"How can you say that colonel, Caledon Hockley is a catch".

The Entourage strolls toward the dinning saloon,were they into the Astor's going through the ornate double doors.

Rose"J.J Madeline I what you to meet Jack Dawson".
Astor shakes Jack's hand.

Astor" good to meet you Jack, are you one of the Boston Dawson ?"
Jack"No, Chippewa falls Dawson actually."
J.J. nods as he heard of them. Then looked puzzled.

Madeline appraises  to Jack and whispered to Rose "it's a pity we are both spoken for, isn't it".

Dinning saloon

Sadly Jack was two sets away from rose and  Josie.
Ruth turns to Jack .
Ruth"tell us of the accommodations in steerge Mr. Dawson."
Jack" the best I seen m'am, Hardly any rats."

Rose motions surreptitiously for Jack to take off his napkin off his plate.
Cal" Mr.Dawson is joining us from 3rd class he was some assistance to my fiance and my future sister-in-law last night."
( Josie rolls her eyes ).
Josie" his sister-in- law as if old man". She whispered to her mother.
Rose had to put her hand over her mouth to hide her giggle and looked down at Josie with a proud look. rose saw Jack was glanceing at them and motioned to Josie and he gave a small smile .
Cal " this is foie gras. its goose liver. To Jack as if to a child.
We see whispers exchanged. Jack becomes the subject furtive glances. Now they're all feeling terribly liberal and dangerous.

Guggenheim ( low to Madeline Albert ) " what is Hockley trying to prove, bringing that Bohemian..up here.

Waiter to Jack"how do you like your cleviar ,sir ?"
Cal answering for him"just a soupcon of lemon..( to Jack smiling) it improves the flavor with champagne ".
Jack" no, cleviar for me thanks.(  never really liked it much) ."looking at cal.
Jack looks over at his girls and smiled at them. They return it.
Ruth"and were exactly do you live, Mr Dawson?"
Jack" right now my address is the RMS Titanic, after that I'm on god god  good homor."

Salad is served Jack reaches for the fish Fork. Ross gives him a look and picks up the salad fork prompting him with with her eyes . He changes forks.

Ruth"you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?"
Jack"well, it's a big world, and I what to see it all before I go. My father was always thalkn about going to see the ocean. He died in the town he was born in and did see it. You can't wait around, because you never know hand your going to be dealt  next. See my folks died in a fire when I was 15 , and I've been on the road since, something like that teaches you to take life as it comes to you . To make each day count."
Molly Brown greatest her class in a salute .
Molly"well said Jack ".
Colonel Gracie raises his glass.
"Here, here".
Rose and Josephine rasies their glass  and looks at Jack."to make it count".

Ruth, annoyed that Jack scored a point.presses him further.

Ruth"How do you have the means to travel Mr Dawson?"

Titanic:  Josephine Dawson time travel back to 1912حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن